Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Speech to the Troops at Tilbury Essay Example
Discourse to the Troops at Tilbury Essay Example Discourse to the Troops at Tilbury Paper Discourse to the Troops at Tilbury Paper Exposition Topic: Dunkirk Discourse to the Troops at Tilbury Portrait of Elizabeth made to remember the annihilation of the Spanish Armada (1588), portrayed out of sight. Elizabeths universal force is represented by the hand laying on the globe. The Speech to the Troops at Tilbury was conveyed on 9 August Old Style, 19 August New Style 1588 by Queen Elizabeth I of England to the land powers prior amassed at Tilbury in Essex in planning of repulsing the normal intrusion by the Spanish Armada. Before the discourse the Armada had been driven from the Strait of Dover in the Battle of Gravelines eleven days sooner, and had at this point adjusted Scotland on its way home, however troops were as yet held at prepared on the off chance that the Spanish armed force of Alexander Farnese, the Duke of Parma, may yet endeavor to attack from Dunkirk; after two days they were released. Upon the arrival of the discourse, the Queen left her guardian before the stronghold at Tilbury and went among her subjects with an escort of six men. Ruler Ormonde strolled ahead with the Sword of State; he was trailed by a page driving the Queens charger and another bearing her silver protective cap on a pad; at that point came the Queen herself, in white with a silver cuirass and mounted on a dim gelding. She was flanked riding a horse by her Lieutenant General the Earl of Leicester on the right, and on the left by the Earl of Essex, her Master of the Horse. Sir John Norreys raised the back. Substance of the discourse The content was found in a letter from Leonel Sharp at some point after 1624 to the duke of Buckingham. My caring individuals We have been convinced by some that are cautious about our security, to notice how we submit our selves to furnished hoards, because of a paranoid fear of foul play; yet I guarantee you I don't want to live to doubt my unwavering and adoring individuals. Allow despots to fear. I have generally so stayed in line that, under God, I have put my chiefest quality and defend in the reliable hearts and cooperative attitude of my subjects; and accordingly I am come among you, as you see, right now, not for my entertainment and disport, however being settled, in the middle and warmth of the fight, to live incredible all of you; to set down for my God, and for my realm, and my kin, my respect and my blood even, in the residue. I realize I have the body yet of a powerless and weak lady; yet I have the heart and stomach of a ruler, and of a lord of England as well, and think foul contempt that Parma or Spain, or any sovereign of Europe, should set out to attack the fringes of my domain; to which instead of any shame will develop by me, I myself will wage war, I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of all of your ethics in the field. I know as of now, for your imposition you have merited rewards and crowns; and We do guarantee you in the expression of a sovereign, they will be properly paid you. Meanwhile, my lieutenant general will be in my stead, than whom never ruler directed a progressively honorable or commendable subject; not questioning however by your dutifulness to my general, by your accord in the camp, and your valor in the field, we will in the blink of an eye have a well known triumph over those foes of my God, of my realm, and of my kin. Second Version Another form of the discourse was recorded in 1612 by William Leigh. His form peruses: Come on now, my mates at arms, and individual officers, in the field, presently for the Lord, for your Queen, and for the Kingdom. For what are these pleased Philistines, that they ought to criticize the host of the living God? I have been your Prince in harmony, so will I be in war; neither will I offer you proceed to battle, however come and let us face the conflict of the Lord. The foe maybe may challenge my sex for that I am a lady, so may I in like manner charge their shape for that they are nevertheless men, whose breath is in their noses, and if God don't accuse England of the transgressions of England, little do I dread their force†¦ Si deus nobiscum quis contra nos? (in the event that God is with us, who can be against us? ) Two essential wellsprings of the Tilbury Speech in Elizabethan English are accessible from the Women Writers Project.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Developing Country and Physics Free Essays
Material science †the investigation of issue, vitality and their associations †is a worldwide undertaking, which assumes a key job later on progress of mankind. The help of material science training and research in all nations is significant in light of the fact that: physical science is and energizing scholarly experience that moves youngsters and grows the wildernesses of our insight about nature. Material science is the most fundamental of the physical sciences. We will compose a custom paper test on Creating Country and Physics or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now From science and geography through to science and cosmology, we comprehend science as far as the ideas created in material science. This, however a considerable lot of the devices on which the advances of science and innovation depend are immediate result of material science. The interests and worries of physicists have consistently shaped the premise of future innovation. In medication we use X-beams, radioisotope and atomic attractive reverberation imaging. Likewise, laser, electron magnifying instruments, synchrotron radiation, and gadgets all rely upon propels made in material science. Where might our cutting edge western economies be without computers?â€we couldn't construct the gadgets that advanced PCs depend on without an information on quantum mechanics. Our advanced world is significantly more associated than in past chronicled times. Nowadays we travel far, convey effectively and rapidly, and direct business around the globe easily. Indeed practically no spot on earth has been prohibited from the cutting edge interconnected world. We are not just associated with material science through present day innovation we are associated at a substantially more fundamental level through the unstoppable force of life. The tidal wave in Sumatra Indonesia is a prime model. In addition to the fact that it was cataclysmic for the neighborhood laws of material science saw this torrent traverse the Indian Ocean executing more than 300,000 in Southeast Asia, and going through in excess of 30 different nations bringing about in excess of 500 passings. This was the law of material science in real life. In any case, as much verification as there is that material science has assumed a significant job in the availability of all pieces of the planet the world is as yet a much separated spot. In created nations you see a practically 100% proficiency rate and a $30,000 mean capital pay, and a future of 80. While in creating countries you see an education rate lower than half and a mean capital salary that’s around $2000, and a future of 40. There is considerably more for material science, the logical world, and governments to do to make correspondence with that intelligence. Kofi Anna the UN Secretary General has rushed to call attention to the continuous catastrophes all through the creating scene that are straightforwardly attached to infection, destitution, and the debasement of the earth. He rushes to call attention to that the absence of access to material science and different sciences just as innovation has credited to a significant number of these issues. Unfortunately established researchers invests the majority of it’s energy taking a shot at answers for the created world yet a large portion of the populace on earth can be found in countries that are creating. Material science has the ability of assuming a significant job in discovering answers for a considerable lot of the issues confronting mankind. Obviously it doesn't have all the appropriate responses yet the science is sufficiently grown to have made atomic weapons which stay a worldwide danger, at that point definitely it tends to be utilized for the improvement surprisingly around the world. Obviously legislative issues, financial elements, and acknowledgment by the individuals all assume a job in the advancement of a country. Be that as it may, material science, building, and other innovative and logical accomplishments can change a creating country to a created country. Simply take a gander at what the job of material science has achieved in only the previous 200 years. Material science can assume a significant job in creating systems to battle environmental change, in the improvement of cleaner energies, and in the advancement of mechanical headways. At that point how can it be that creating countries spend such a little part of the GDP on innovative work in these regions? Is it on the grounds that the advantages of science and material science explicitly are not completely perceived in industrialized and creating countries? Is it that they truly would prefer not to confront the possibility that our reality is in urgent need of progress to guarantee we don't demolish ourselves? Material science and innovation must cooperate to determine the requirement for new advancements that will diminish the harm to our planet, for strategiesâ to guarantee that the individuals of creating nations have the instruments to advance, the requirement for answers for savage infections that stay a danger, and the requirement for answers for the expanding requests we place on our assets before they are drained. The job of material science in our cutting edge world is a higher priority than in some other time ever. THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICS TO SOCIETY Material science produces key information required for the future mechanical advances that will keep on driving the financial motors of the world. Material science adds to the innovative framework and gives prepared work force expected to exploit logical advances and disclosures. Material science is a significant component in the training of scientific experts, designers and PC researchers, just as specialists of the other physical and biomedical sciences. Material science broadens and improves our comprehension of different controls, for example, the earth, farming, compound, natural, and ecological sciences, in addition to astronomy and cosmology †subjects vital to all people groups of the world. Material science improves our personal satisfaction by giving the essential understanding important to growing new instrumentation and methods for clinical applications, for example, PC tomography, attractive reverberation imaging, positron discharge tomography, ultrasonic imaging, and laser medical procedure. THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICS TO MAN Material science is essential to man’s life since it is utilized in †¢Cooking food †¢Cleaning garments †¢Watching TV †¢Heating your hose †¢Playing sports †¢Everything else in your life †¢ Physics assumes a significant job in wellbeing †¢ Economic turn of events †¢ Education †¢ Energy and †¢ nature. Material science has had an undeniably significant effect on the normal person’s day by day life. For instance, Physicists assumed a fundamental job in the advancement of: The Transistor-: The premise of all cutting edge hardware, including radio, TV, PCs, and broadcast communications. The Laser And Laser Diodes: Now utilized generally in CD players, grocerybar code scanners clinical treatment, and broadcast communications. The Digital Computerâ€much of the early turn of events (and the absolute latest) have been persuaded by fundamental research. Fiber Optics: Now finding far reaching application in rapid information and voice transmission systems. The Global Positioning System: Uses satellites and exact planning to permit positions to be assigned to inside a couple of feet anyplace on the outside of the earth. The Hologram: Uses on charge card, driver’s licenses, and different archives to forestall misrepresentation. The World Wide Web (W.W.W)â€originally structured by physicist for one to have the option to get to the world. Clinical Imaging Techniques: Such as the sonogram, the CAT filter, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRIs). Clinical Treatment Techniques: Using radiation and charged molecule quickening agents. New Micro-Sensors: For â€Å"smart machines†and â€Å"smart buildings,†quicker and littler PCs, PC circles that can store data in a littler space, improved synthetic preparing to support the earth and lessen vitality use, quicker and less expensive broadcast communications. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE VARIOUS IMPORTANCES OF PHYSICS TO MAN AND THE SOCIETY. Material science Improves Health; In clinical innovation, positron emanation tomography (PET) Lets nervous system specialists perceive how vitality streams inside the cerebrum to see where issues could be happening. Material science Connects the World; The broadcast communications industry, including the improvement of the web, has profited by material science explore in media communications from radio waves to fiber optic link. Material science Improves Technology; The figuring business relies upon material science inquire about in semiconductors and attraction so as to construct processors and circle ever littler and denser. Material science Drives Progress; Physical science look into benefits the transportation business in everything from what materials to assemble vehicles of to how to fabricate proficient motors to exploring utilizing the worldwide situating framework. Material science Clears the Air; Material science is utilized in natural science to both recognize issues and to assemble frameworks that are better for the earth with advances, for example, sun based force and plasma material science. Material science Fills the Home; Numerous purchaser merchandise created from material science examine. Cds are conceivable as a result of refinements in laser innovation. Numerous family unit contraptions have microchips, for example, microwaves and telephones. Material science Designs the Future; Research in materials material science has prompted numerous developments in the substances from which items are made. One now-regular material is Teflonâ ®. Different substances are presently used to make numerous things from athletic gear to seismic tremor safe structures. Material science LUNCHES NEW BUSINESS; The resistance division began the Global Positioning System (GPS), which utilizes 24 satellites. GPS was conceivable on account of the nuclear clock. Presently GPS innovation has numerous utilizations from being in guides in vehicles to seeing movements in the structural plates. Material science IS THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL OF THE SCIENCES; It is worried about the most fundamental structure squares of all things †from ants to reception apparatuses, from quarks to quasars. The investigation of material science implies attempting to discover what the universe is made of, and how these things move and interface with one another. So in one sense, the various sciences are based on the knowledg
Friday, August 7, 2020
Return of the Nance Effect
Return of the Nance Effect (The Summer Update Edition!) Greetings to all! Can you feel that? Summer is slipping away and the crisp New England weather is looming just around the corner. (Funny I say that even though Boston had a heat index of 106 degrees last week.) As we get closer to September the class of 2010 prepares to take their place as matriculated students at MIT, and future classes, especially the class of 2011, are preparing to run the gauntlet known as the college application process. In some ways this entry represents the changing of the guard for The Nance Effect. Many more of those reading and posting to this blog will be new or first time Bloggers. To you I say welcome! Come on in, the water is just fine. I hope that you will not hesitate to throw your two cents in to any and all conversations. This is, after all, a community designed for and about you. When I began to blog a little more than a year ago I wrote the following: My blog will hopefully give you a backstage pass to the theater of the absurd, better known as College Admissions. Instead I will discuss real issues that affect minorities and the college application process. Does that mean that you have to be a minority to glean wisdom from, or participate in, this blog? Au contraire, mon frere! This is a place to recognize and support all diversity with particular sensitivity to the African American, Latina/o, and Native American communities. I cant promise you the answers to all of your questions remember, the only way out is to THINK your way out. Enough said. Lets get down to business. This blog is designed so that we all learn from each other. Remember: a sense of humor never hurts! To those of you who are returning as veterans of The Nance Nance Revolution, welcome back! Please continue to do what youve always done inform and entertain us with your experiences and tell us about your life in general. I would be remiss if I did not also welcome parents to our little corner of cyberspace! As always, we have reserved a place at the table for you. Just remember, unlike Thanksgiving dinner, the priority goes to the Kids Table. Lets get this party started right! Remember Mrs. Browns second grade class? The first day was spent with each student in the class standing up in front telling everyone how he or she spent the summer. Well, Im going old school on you. Ill start Show Tell with how I spent my summer solstice. (Unlike most of you, the admissions office is forced to work through the heat.) Consider this your first assignment. Be sure to tell us how you spent your summer. If you are new, be sure to introduce yourself! Again, welcome to NNR! Here are a few pix from my summer I had the pleasure of working with the MITES students this summer. Here are a few photos from their ice cream social: [] [] [] I rubbed elbows with the Class of 2010 students who attended Project Interphase this summer. (Unfortunately, I dont have any candid shots of the group, but I do have this really cool official-like photo: [] In addition to working with students on the MIT campus I also attended several college fairs. The largest was held at Columbia University, in New York City on July 19th. Here are a few more pics: [] [] I played in the backyard with my kids (Miles and McKinley) [] [] I CLEANED RELOCATED MY OFFICE! Before [] After [] Finally, I celebrated my 40th birthday. Ben will post photos of that here soon. :-)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Confucianism Is An Eastern Asia Religion / Philosophy
Confucianism is an Eastern Asia religion/philosophy. Described as a way of life. Confucianism is neither said to be a monotheistic nor a polytheistic religion. This religion originated in China during the 6th-5th century BCE, and has since then spread to countries such as Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam. Confucianism which means â€Å"The School of the Scholars†developed from the teachings of Confucius. It is more a system of ethics and social behavior. People who follow the teachings of Confucius also observe traditional Chinese religion, which is a combination of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism alongside local practices and beliefs. Confucianism has greatly influenced the history of Chinese civilizations, cultures, and territories up to the 21st century. Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, was born in 551 BCE in what is now known as Shantung Province. He grew up as a poverty-stricken commoner during the Chou dynasty, serving petty government posts before he opened a school at 22. Little is known about who his early teachers were, but he was able to master the six arts. Confucius developed education, society, and government theories which he hoped would start his political career. By the age of 56, he realized that the king’s inner circle did not respect him and were not interested in his ideas, so he left and started to spread advice to different rulers. Having self-exiled himself for almost 13 years he had begun to accumulate students who spread his wisdom. At 67, ConfuciusShow MoreRelatedEssay about Confucianism1154 Words  | 5 Pages Confucianism Confucianism is an East Asian philosophy built up by a Chinese philosopher, Confucius (Kung Fu-tzu), in the 6th - 5th century BCE. It’s a philosophy based on human morals and relationships. To really understand Confucianism, how it originated and what parts of history contributed towards its development, you have to look into: who is Confucius, the history of Confucianism and what happened to Confucianism after the death of Confucius? Who is Confucius? Confucius was of noble descentRead MoreAristotle versus Confucius Essay1806 Words  | 8 PagesPhilosophy can best be described as an abstract, scholarly discourse. According to the Greek, philosophia refers to ‘love of knowledge’. This is an aspect that has involved a great number of clever minds in the world’s history. They have sought to deal with issues surrounding the character of veracity and significantly exploring the endeavors to respond to these issues. This paper seeks to compare and contrast the philosophy of Aristotle with that of Confucius. This is with a clear concentrationRead MorePhilosophy And Philosophy Of Philosophy Essay2033 Words  | 9 PagesWhat is philosophy? 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Jewish prayers are considered invalid if proper concentration and awareness is not displayed. †¢ Judaism is the oldest religion that still exists to this day. Jews have faced manyRead MoreConfucianism And Its Influence On Society2178 Words  | 9 PagesConfucianism can be regarded as a religion, a belief, a way of ruling and a basis for laying the ground rules for the East Asian countries. Confucianism had gone through so many transformations and has been affected by many religions and dynasties. Many dynasties have adapted the ways of Confucianism, which state that there is a connection between humans and heaven. However, as time progressed, religions such as Buddhism and Daoism also adapted the ways of Confucianism, but they changed some of itsRead More Confucius Essay1504 Words  | 7 Pages Confucius became famous as a sage, or wise man, of China during the Age of Philosophers. His Five Classics have influenced the civilizations of most of eastern Asia. Confucius was born in the state of Lu when local rulers refused to pay homage to the emperor of a failing Chou dynasty. Confucius hated the disorder that ensued and looked back on a time when things like that were not even thought of. He studied the teachings of the sageamp;#8217;s whose teachings and influences had made China oneRead MoreDifferences Between South Korea And Japan1535 Words  | 7 PagesIn Asia, South Korea and Japan always share same political culture, economic interests, international security environment and it seems that they should be each other’s closest allies. However, in reality, relations between the two countries are always troubled and contentious. 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Based on the following documents, discuss classical empires. What types of additional documentation would help determine the benefits and difficulties of running classical empires? Historical Background Buddhism and Taoism are both mainly centered in eastern China, and many people are confused between the two. Not very many people understand whatRead MoreNegative Effects Of The Han Dynasty951 Words  | 4 Pageslinked Asia to Europe, thus allowing for cultural diffusion or exchange to take place. Eventually, this allowed merchants to trade Chinese silk for Middle Eastern and European products and it paved way for the diffusion of new beliefs into China such as that of Buddhism from India. Additionally, it was during this time period that Confucius aroused as a major figure. He was a philosopher and educator who strongly advocated for social and political order in China thus, developing Confucianism. According
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Comprehensive Market Analysis Free Essay Example, 4250 words
The processes required for the productions and service is mainly divided into three phases. The preparation of mixtures, baking or freezing and retailing or serving consists of the entire operation process. The raw material ordering, storing and issuing will need to be handled separately. Quality Control aspect has to remain one of the key concerns of the operation process. The production and service will operate as two separate processes where production side will be headed by the founder while the retail and service section will be handled by Susan Schucroft, the managing partner of the proposed venture. SW D will partner up with local dairy and fruit farmers to get fresh ingredients needed for the entire product range. Special ingredients such as emulsifiers and provers will be imported directly from Europe. Neil Schucroft and Susan Schucroft will act as managing partners with responsibilities of production operations and the service operations divided between them. Neil has expe rience in desserts and ice creams along with a Diploma in Culinary Arts, specializing in European cuisine from Schiller University Switzerland. This is one of the most prestigious of hospitality schools in Europe which combines up to 60% study time with apprenticeships in top European restaurants and hotels for the students. We will write a custom essay sample on A Comprehensive Market Analysis or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page As the operation grows in capacity, this staff strength will be increased to meet the manpower needs. Susan Schucroft is a well experienced retail floor manager at Wal-Mart currently but has previous experience in the food service industry, having worked at a number of Hagen Dass outlets in the capacity of a crew member and getting promoted to regional stores manager, during their stay in Europe.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Teens Go Gaga over Vampires Free Essays
string(56) " the cause for this century’s cult-like vampire fans\." Teens Go Gaga Over Vampires: Its Causes and Effects Abstract This article will identify and discuss the reasons why teenagers are obsessed with vampires and what effects does it have on them. Study shows that this obsession has a great impact on both the teenager as an individual and to the people who surround her. The researcher studied and investigated the topic by finding different articles, essays, data and surveys from different sources in the Internet, as well as reading some vampire novels herself. We will write a custom essay sample on Teens Go Gaga over Vampires or any similar topic only for you Order Now The survey conducted by the researcher was among teenagers aged 14 to 16 who are Filipinos. All the research done about what cause this obsession came to one particular conclusion. Teens are obsessed and are addicted with vampires because they happen to fall in love with the vampire’s characteristics, some value the vampire’s physical appearance, while others take notice of the vampire’s romantic actions. This obsession has a lot of effects to our society today, both positive and negative. Teens Go Gaga Over Vampires: Its Causes and Effects Vampire, the word itself says it all. Even though the term vampires was not made known to people before the 18th century, most people agree that vampires originated long ago during the prehistoric times in many different cultures that are related to vampires (Betonio, 2011). Many choose to believe that vampires are just myths that only exists in people’s minds and imagination. Many also believe in the existence of vampires in our world, that they are not just myths and stories, but are real. People even classified vampires according to their kind. According to Agnes Embile Jimenez (2008), there is the Danag, which is a Filipino vampire known originally as a harmless vampire who helps the humans in their livelihood until one day when the Danag sucked all the blood out from a woman whose finger was wounded. There is the Romanian Varacolaci, who is described as a powerful undead being who has the ability to morph into a beautiful human. There is the very fast vampire from Slovakia who is called as the Nelapsi. Last but not the least, there is the Italian vampire, the Stregonibenefici, who is said to belong to the good side and is an enemy to all other vampires who do not side with the good. Some additional kinds of vampires from Sarah Todd (2008) are the Lilith, a Hebrew demon, who drinks the blood of a baby; the African vampire, the Adze, who drinks coconut milk, palm oil and blood and who appears as a firefly but turns human-like once captured; the Impundulu or the Lightning Bird, who is a giant bird who has the ability to turn into a handsome man to lure women whose blood they will consume; the Asanboam who lives in trees and flies down whenever they see a possible prey; the Ramanga who were originally human but evolved eventually due to the nail parings they eat and the sucking of their master’s lost blood; Jiang Shi, the Chinese vampire, who is made when the soul dead cannot escape its body; and the Caribbean vampire Loogaroo, a female vampire. In literature, the first major work about vampires is the short German poem, The Vampire, which was written by Heinrich August Ossenfelde in 1748. The first example of a vampire who has no choice to be one and loathes himself is Varney from the epic book, Varney the Vampire, which was written by James Malcolm Rymer in 1845. Carmilla, written by Sheridan le Fanu in 1872, was the first book with an erotic vampire. The story was about a heroine seduced by a female vampire whose blood was later drunk by the vampire. In 1897, the famous Dracula by Bram Stoker was published. Bram Stoker mixed death, blood, and sex with medieval vampire myths and vampire stories that are present during his days. After almost half of a century, Richard Mattheson wrote the book I am Legend where the story revolves around a post-apocalyptic age where vampirism is a disease. This was often called as the first modern vampire novel. In 1975, Salem’s Lot by Stephen King was introduced to the world. King made the 20th century Maine as the setting of the story. After a year, the most famous Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice changed the whole concept of vampires. Vampire Chronicles featured vampires who are romantic and are the opposite of how they were first introduced (Laming, n. . ). In the year 2005, Stephenie Meyer published the phenomenal Twilight, the first book to the epic series that gave birth to billions of vampire-addicted teens and tweens in the 21st century. It all started when Meyer dreamt of a scene in 2003 wherein a handsome young vampire was talking to an ord inary human girl. After having this dream, she decided to make a story out of it. After many sleepless nights and countless instances where she wanted to give up, she still continued on working. And all that work finally paid off when that dream finally became Twilight. Twilight is about a story of two individuals who fell in love with each other. The difference it makes from other love stories is that Twilight is a love story between a human and a vampire, specifically Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Bella Swan was just an ordinary girl, but to Edward Cullen, she was the most exquisite thing he has ever seen in his 104 years of existence. He treated her better than how he treated anyone else, even himself. He loved her like there is nothing else to love. He made her his reason for living. All these were perfectly described in the book. As someone who was able to read about their love story, who would not fall in love with this mythical being. Edward Cullen was the reason why teenage girls are obsessed with vampires today. Edward Cullen was the cause for this century’s cult-like vampire fans. You read "Teens Go Gaga over Vampires" in category "Essay examples" This obsession has great effects to the lives of those teenagers who are addicted to these vampires. Because vampires in novels, movies and television show nowadays tend to have better qualities than humans that attract teens, specifically girls, causing them to be obsessed and to be addicted to the vampires. Teenage girls say that they like these vampires because of their characteristics. Discussion Vampires is novels, movies and television are already given a brand new image by authors these days which is based on the 19th century European Vampires (Rhoads, 2007). These authors do not describe them as how vampires were originally introduced. The word vampire itself is also associated with the word vamp, which means a woman who uses her charms or wiles to seduce and exploit men as a noun, and to practice seductive wiles on as a verb (Merriam-Webster, 1999). Instead of giving them a horrifying image, they gave them an image that everyone would want for themselves. Before the year 2000, most people still refer to vampires as monsters who seduce their prey who drain their prey’s blood afterwards even though the image of vampires in literature started to change as early as the 19th century. They also describe vampires as creatures who are scared of any kind of light because light may hurt them and may make them vanish into nothing. This description also came to the theory that vampires only attack during night, sleep in coffins and live in very dark places. Physically, they were described as creatures who have fangs as their teeth, powder-white skin and who wears black robes, which make them look like they are black and white. It is also said that vampires are cold-skinned because they are already considered as lifeless beings who continue to live despite the fact they do not have blood flowing inside of them. In 2005, when Twilight was published, vampires were described differently altogether. In almost all books published after 2005, proceeding Twilight, vampires are described as â€Å"beautiful people†. Vampires are described as more human-like, without fangs for their teeth, and even vary in skin color. They do not die nor do they age. Though they still drink blood, because this is what makes them a vampire, authors like Stephenie Meyer described her main characters, the Cullens to be exact, as â€Å"vegetarian vampires†or vampires who do not drink human blood but drinks animal blood as a substitute. While Twilight features vegetarian vampires, Blue Bloods still have vampires who drink human blood, but in a different manner. Even though they drink human blood, they do not drain the humans, they just drink a bit of the human’s blood to sustain their lives; they are prohibited to drink all the blood a human has. They even have a name for this event, â€Å"Caerimonia Oscular†or more popularly known as the â€Å"sacred kiss†. The humans from whom they drink blood are called their â€Å"human familiars†, and once they drink from a human, that human will be physically attached to the vampire. In other words, that human will fall in love with the vampire who drank from them. Most of these characteristics are found in almost all vampires today, some are even found in novels that involve fallen angels. Some of these famous vampires are Schuyler van Alen and Jack Force from the Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz, Zoey from P. C. Cast’s House of Night Series, Elena Gilbert from Vampire Diaries by L. J. Smith and of course, Edward Cullen from Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga. Besides the characteristics of these vampires, they make a great impact to the people who surround them. Another factor that attracts teenagers to them is how they treat those that they love and care for, and how those they love feel about them as well. Presently, many authors continue to write love stories about vampires, even though they were thought as heartless monsters who do not have the ability to love before. In books, vampires love differently from humans, which is why humans fall in love with them. Vampires treat the one that they love like he or she is the last being in the whole world. They will do anything for the one that they love, even though it is the hardest thing that they will ever do. They would want to die if they found out that the one that they love is now dead. They will want everything that is the best for the person they love. They will respond very quickly and would want to answer â€Å"yes†all the time. They will sacrifice anything just to keep the one they love safe from danger. Most importantly, they will never look at or be interested in someone else other than the person that they love; they will always remain faithful and would love unconditionally. Though the way that a vampire loves is incomparable, no one should belittle how a human loves the vampire who loves him or her as well. Since they are just humans, they sometimes get confused about who they really love. But even so, they will still realize that the one that they truly love is the vampire who loves them. They become obsessed about their vampire â€Å"boyfriend†or â€Å"girlfriend†. They want to spend every minute with the one that they love. They become attached to these vampires. Some would even agree to let the vampire drink their blood. Of course, they would also want to die for the safety of the person that they love. Since humans in novels, books, movies and television shows are already obsessed and addicted to these vampires, teenage girls who gets a chance to read these books or watch these shows and movies also get obsessed with the vampires featured in each. They say that they like these vampires because of their supernatural abilities, their physical appearance, which they describe as â€Å"hot†, their immortality, the forbidden love that the vampire and human has, and the butterflies that these vampires send to their stomachs. The attitude that humans in novels and movies have toward these vampires is still acceptable since they exist in the same world. The unhealthy thing for these teenage girls is that they become obsessed with these vampires even though they already know that they are just fictional characters and that they do not exist in real life. Because of everything about these vampires, teenagers become addicted to them. Some even say or admit that they have already fallen in love with these vampires. As they are addicted to these vampires, most do not even have the slightest idea of what effects this obsession has on them. Some say that it affects them positively, but they fail to admit that those positive effects cannot be compared to the negative effects it has on them. Some positive effects or benefits this obsession can cause them to love reading books. If they loved reading the first book, they will continue on reading the following books in the series; and if they already read the whole series, they will continue to read other series that have the same qualities they loved in the first series that they read. Reading these novels will help them broaden their vocabulary and enhance their skills in English. It will also develop their patience and concentration. With benefits, there will always be side effects. The negative effects that this obsession has on teens are greater than the benefits it has. Firstly, because of their addiction, they forget to prioritize. They do not set their priorities straight and tend to give importance to those things that do not really need importance then forgetting about the things that really matter. They also forget about the real issues in their lives. They get stuck up on this â€Å"vampire world†of theirs. They never think of anything else besides these vampires. There are also those who think that it is good to be obsessed with your boyfriend or girlfriend just like what Twilight tells them (McCarthy, 2009). Some also become insecure of themselves because of the way the vampires are described. They also never get contented of what they have and would wait for a better one, a perfect one, just like how the vampires are stated in books. As Wyck Godfrey (n. d. ), director of Twilight, accidentally said, â€Å"There’s a huge amount of danger in this movie [Twilight]. There’s also just the excitement of a teenager doing things that are verboten. These are things that people connect to. And not just girls; I think that guys will discover it’s dangerous, there’s action, there’s a thriller element to it, and then, ultimately, that it’s cool to be a vampire. Another negative effect this obsession has on teens is that they bite, cut and suck blood from themselves. Though this is far from being true, it really does happen. This problem was even included in an article from consumer reports entitled â€Å"10 Troubling Teen Trends†by Dr. Orly Avitzur(n. d. ). These are just some of the common effects of this addiction to the teenagers as individuals, and most of them do not even realize it. But this obsession does not only affect these teenagers, but also all the people who surround him or her. If they do not realize what effects this obsession has on them, how more can they realize the effects it has to their society, community or family. Parents, siblings, other family members, teachers, classmates, friends and others admit that they are also affected by obsession that teenagers have on vampires. Parents say that their children who get addicted to theses vampires bring nothing but trouble to them, especially to Christian families. First, because of this obsession, teenagers waste their time reading these nonsense books and watching these nonsense movies, leaving no amount of time for them to study or do their home works or projects. Before reading these books, they would buy them, and when these books are adapted into movies, they will surely watch them, wasting a lot of money. Some parents also admit that their children tend to follow these vampires. To Christian families, it has greater effects since the Bible stated that those who drinks blood and claims to be vampires are committing a sin against God (Goodwyn, n. d. ). You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meat of strangles animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell. Acts 15:29 (Zondervan, 1983) Siblings and friends are also influenced by this obsession. If the teenager who is obsessed with vampires is older than his or her siblings, the younger siblings would follow the older sibling and would end up addicted to vampires as well. The same principle goes with the individual’s friends; they also follow what their friend does. There are also individuals who get addicted to vampires as well because of wanting to fit in. Some individuals who do not know anything about these vampires moreover are fascinated by them, say that they are bothered by the obsession teenagers have on these supernatural beings. They say that they do not like going to malls whenever a new vampire movie comes out, like Twilight, because the mall gets too crowded. Consumers, like the teenagers, take these productions positively because they do not know what they are in for. Because the consumers continuously accept these offers, producers keep on producing them. The only positive outcome of this obsession is to the producers. This obsession is the source of their income. Due to this obsession, they get huge amounts of profits in producing vampire-affiliated shows, books, films or even products that feature the pictures of these vampires. Almost all are aware of the continuing growth of the population of teenagers who are addicted or obsessed with this kind of literature. Some may benefit from it but most just suffer from it. Some say that this obsession is almost like a mental illness wherein everyone, from children to adults, rich or poor, is a candidate. The teenager’s obsession on vampires is becoming a severe case in our society today. They even have terms like OCD, which stands for Obsessive Cullen Disorder or OVD, which means Obsessive Vampire Disorder If drug addiction, alcoholism, casino addiction and cigarette smoking can be cured through therapy in rehabilitation centers, vampire obsession most certainly can be cured. It’s all in the matter of the mind. If you are obsessed with something, you can’t help but spending almost all of your time doing things related to your obsession. You should start taking small steps towards your goal. Try to do some other stuff that does not have anything to do with vampires. Think of other things or do things which will occupy your mind so that you will forget about the vampires first. Slowly do these things until you know that you are already â€Å"cured†from your disorder (Patrick, n. d. ). Parents and other people who surround the individual should also show their support. They should also be with the individual every step of the way. This will help in boosting the individual’s confidence that he or she can do it. Parents and friends should also comfort the individual whenever he or she is having a breakdown. If it can be cured, then it surely can be prevented. If you realize or happen to observe that you are beginning to have a different view, a better one, about these vampires, you might be starting to become obsessed or addicted to them. You should stop as early as you realize this. If you continue on reading books about them or watching movies where they are portrayed, you will get addicted to them in no time. Once you become addicted, it will take a long process before you will be able to totally get rid of your addiction. Preventing this addiction will also need your concentration. You should concentrate about your goal. You should stop yourself from anything that tempts you to read those books or watch those films and shows again. Of course, just like in curing this addiction, parents should always be there for the individual and should be very supportive. Parents should say that they are proud that their child knows how to stop his or her self. The obsession teens have on these ictional vampires found in literature has a lot of different effects both to them and to the society. Even though some may benefit from this obsession, those benefits cannot be compared to the numerous negative effects it has to the individual and to his or her surroundings, especial ly to the individual’s parents, siblings and friends. It is encouraged that teenagers should start dealing with their obsession as it may lead to a condition which is much more worse than what they have now. People who are surrounding the individual should know how to give their support and encouragement, especially parents. References Avitzur, O. (n. d. ). 10 troubling teen trends. Retrieved August 12, 2011 from http://www. consumerreports. org/health/healthy-living/health-safety/10-troublesome-trends-to-talk-to-your-teen-about/overview/index. htm Betonio, D. (2011). 20 spectacular must read vampire books. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. tripwiremagazine. com/2011/07/vampire-books. html Godfrey, W. (n. d. ). A christian response to vampire obsession. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. cbn. com/entertainment/screen/goodwyn-vampires-twilight-obsession. aspx Goodwyn, H. (n. d. ). A christian response to vampire obsession. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. cbn. com/entertainment/screen/goodwyn-vampires-twilight-obsession. spx Holy Bible, New International Version. (1983). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House. Jimenez, A. E. (2008). Kinds of vampires. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. empressofdrac. com/2008/09/29/kinds-of-vampires/ Laming, S. (n. d. ). A brief history of vampires in literature. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. abebooks. com/books/dracula-twilight-sookie-stackhouse/history-vampires-literature. shtml Patrick. (n. d. ). Learn more about reading addiction. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. readingaddiction. com/20/beating-addiction/learn-more-about-reading-addiction McCarthy, C. (2009). Obsession and risk talking: What new moon How to cite Teens Go Gaga over Vampires, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Process Control and Data Acquisition in Pharmaceuticals Plant
Question: Discuss about theProcess Control and Data Acquisition in Pharmaceuticals Plant. Answer: Introduction Pharmaceutical industries are among the largest and fastest growing sectors in the world today. Some of the clear characters of this area are competition, strict regulation due to critical products they produce as well as low durability of their products. Some of the key factors given keen attention here include quality, safety, flexibility and efficiency. Use of process control systems such as ControlNet and Safety NET p networks can help achieve this. ControlNet It supports controller to controller interlocking and real-time control of I/O, devices, and valves as well as control networking for process applications. ControlNet offered by some companies such as Allen-Bradley have built-in control interface or have the ability to connect through optimal communication interface module which improves real-time and throughput application support (ODVA, 2016). When designing network ControlNet media and connection devices offer flexibility. ControlNet coax cable, a low-loss is an RG-6 quad shield that immunity to electromagnetic interference to allow installations in hazardous locations. Allen-Bradley provides a variety of network media such as taps, connectors, terminators, repeaters and coax tools as well as fiber systems. The types of the network media chosen will depend on the process application type and the environment(Ba?ak, 2015). Operation Control NET is an example token passing control designed to offer reliable, high-speed transport monitoring and input, output (I/O) data. It also provides non-time critical messaging data. I/O data is assigned the highest priority such that other data such as parameter upload and downloads do not interfere with the control and I/O data transport. ControlNet is classified as a deterministic network since it uses token rotation time to characterize maximum waiting time needed to send a message frame. The token bus networks nodes are logically arranged to form a ring such that each node knows its previous and next node. This way it is possible to offer liner, multi-drop, tree-shaped or segmented topology (Lian, 2011). The network node in possession of the token is allowed to transmit data frames till its allocated token time expires, or it runs of data packets. Then the token regenerated and sent to the next logical node in the network (ring). If the node that receives the token has nothing to send then it just passes the token to the next neighbor in the logical ring. Data frames do not collide since its only one node that is allowed to transmit data frames. This node is the one that is in possession of the token, others nodes need to wait for the token. Token ring protocol offers assurances of maximum time between node network access and protocol with the capacity to regenerate the token if the node in possession of the token stops transmitting the data frames and does not release the token to the next neighbor in the ring. Nodes are added dynamically to the ring and can also be removed from the ring on request. Advantages of Using ControlNet As we have discussed above that token bus protocol is deterministic that guarantee throughput and high efficiency when there are high network loads. Nodes can be added dynamically during network operation and also remove the nodes that have failed in the ring or those which are no longer needed. Removing failed nodes is a major score over token ring protocols where nodes are statically added or removed (Healy, 2015). Control net uses the implicit token passing mechanism which allocates mac id to every node in the ring to prevent data frames collision. Only the nodes with the token are allowed to send data frames. Every node sets the implicit token register to mac id +1. When the mac id of the node is equal to the implicit token register, it now transmits the frames. To prevent collisions, all nodes have similar value in implicit token registers. ControlNet support time critical through the provision of scheduled segments as well as and non-time critical messages through unscheduled segments in every NUT (Network update time) cycle. The NUT is divided into scheduled, unscheduled and guard band sections. Scheduled section of NUT allows scheduled data transmission while un-scheduled section allows each node to transmit noon time critical data using round robin protocol. During guard band time all nodes stop transmission thus allowing the moderator node (node with lowest mac id) to transmit maintenance message. This message synchronizes timers and publishes critical link parameters like node time, S, U, NUT and many more others. Disadvantages of Using ControlNet Token bus protocol is only efficient at high network loads but at low channels traffics its performance is poor compared to contention protocols. Token bus protocol uses a huge percentage of network time to pass the token between the nodes when the data traffic is light since there are many nodes in a single local ring (Zhang, 2012). Safety NET p According to IEC series standards, safety NET p is defined as Type 22 and CP 18. It is a standard for Ethernet-based field bus communication in automated technology. Operation Safety NET p communication model describes communication system, application layer, and transport layer. Application layer represents the communication systems interface. The functions of the device safety NET p are accessed through the interface; thus it is the interaction medium between the user and the system. It uses two transport mechanism namely: RTFL and RTFN. It automates data and safety-related data simultaneous transmission with vertical and horizontal integration. To design a network topology, safety NET p offers a range of infrastructure components such as switches, cables, and connectors. Safety NET p implements the network infrastructure. Network topologies such as star and tree which adapt to pharmaceutical plant support which can significantly increase performance. To do these switches such as PSS net can be used to adjust the topology flexibility to pharmaceutical plant layout. It can support star, tree and ring topologies. PSS net switch has fiber optics media which allow expansion of the network without limitations. Other installation media used include safety p connectors and cables for fast and straightforward installation. These materials are available at some companies such as Safety Network International (Sankaran, 2016). Advantages of using Safety NET p Networks Safety NET p offer effective detection and management of the network structure which supports the connection of service devices whenever required as well as mobile apps support. Its communication structure uses a distributed PLC which facilitates peer to peer data transmission that results in distributed data-processing. Pharmaceutical plants have a flexible and modular structure that describe their dimensions, plan, and commissioning. Safety NET p has proxies that offer communication platform for existing field bus installation to communicate with other plant sections. It also can access data from various field buses thus optimizing the plant protection (Safety-network.org, 2016). Safety NET p has a real-time capability to support safety functions as well as real-time functions that enable flexible and cheap procedure by use of generic Ethernet interface or RTFL and protocol chip of safety NET p. These support a real time scan of about 62.5 seconds. Standard Ethernet, on which safety NET p network depends on, has been tried and tested for several years in office communication. On top of that is meets the stringent specifications of the pharmaceutical application as it can support the transfer of data from conventional control process, transfer of safety-related data and offer real-time communication in a high dynamic form as well as synchronized applications thus allowing one network connection for all control data and machinery (Synchronics.co.in, 2016). Safety NET p also can offer new horizons for pharmaceutical plant control technology. It maintains an interior view to monitor intelligence while at the same time providing decentralized control information to field level. The plant is logically divided into functional machine modules. To fast sensor actuator loops it is important to connect manufacturing cells in the motion control areas. When safety NET p is used, it offers an extremely high real-time capability. The safety signals encountered in the factory automation are transmitted using the same medium. The cells are interconnected through RTFN (Efficient Real-Time Industrial Ethernet Links, 2016). Conclusions It is true that open, safe and deterministic real-time Ethernet that meets all user requirements. The real-time performance is approximately 20 times faster (scan times 62.5 s) than most of the industrial networks. Safety NET p is excellent for transport medium when the when secure communication is integrated from the start. Any Ethernet traffic such as data traffic from other industrial Ethernet versions, laptop or video is supported. Its flexibility allows the plant to have a linear, tree and star structure. It also has unrivaled capacity to charge structures and subscribers during operation Control net is a state of the art Network which is a high-speed deterministic network suitable for time-critical application data. Most of the pharmaceutical plant have time critical data as they deal with products that are very critical and perishable. Data transmission here is paramount for healthy products manufacturing. It also offers real-time control and messaging services to p2p communication network while providing a combination of controller and I/O device capabilities using its high-speed link. Control net offers deterministic real-time interlocking, peer to peer programming and messaging as well I/O bandwidth within the same link. Control net is a state of the art Network which is a high-speed deterministic network suitable for time-critical application data. Most of the pharmaceutical plant have time critical data as they deal with products that are very critical and perishable. Data transmission here is paramount for healthy products manufacturing. It also offers real-time control and messaging services to p2p communication network while providing a combination of controller and I/O device capabilities using its high-speed link. Control net offers deterministic real-time interlocking, peer to peer programming and messaging as well I/O bandwidth within the same link. References Anon, (2016).ControlNet Control System Network Design and Optimization. [Online] Available at: https://www.safety-network.org/en/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2016]. Ba?ak, ., 2015. Petri net based decision system modeling in real-time scheduling and control of flexible automotive manufacturing systems. Computers Industrial Engineering, Volume 86, pp. 116-126. Efficient Real-Time Industrial Ethernet Links. (2016).IJSR, 5(3), pp.1106-1109. Ethercat.org. (2016).Ether CAT Technology Group | Safety. [Online] Available at: https://www.ethercat.org/en/safety.html [Accessed 27 Oct. 2016]. Healy, J., 2015. What Role do Safety Net Wage Adjustments Play in Alleviating Household Need?. Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(2), pp. 169-192. Lian, F.-L., 2011. Performance Evaluation of control networks: ethernet, controlnet and devicenet , Michigan: University of Michigan. ODVA. (2016).Control NET. [Online] Available at: https://www.odva.org/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2016]. Pilz.com. (2016).System components Safety NET p - Pilz INT. [online] Available at:https://www.pilz.com/en-INT/eshop/00103002137081/SafetyNET-p-systemComponents [Accessed 27 Oct. 2016]. Safety-network.org. (2016).Safety Network International e.V. - User organization. [Online] Available at: https://www.safety-network.org/en/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2016]. Synchronics.co.in. (2016).Repair Safety Net P Instruments, Repairing of Safety Net PInstruments, Industrial Electronic Repair, Safety Net P rush repair, Refurbished Safety Net P Products, Authorized Safety Net P Service Center, Authorized Safety Net P Service Center in Vadodara,Authorized Safety Net P Service Center in Gujarat, Authorized Safety Net P Service Center inIndia | Synchronics ElectronicsPvt. Ltd. [online] Available at: https://www.synchronics.co.in/manufacturers/safety Net-p.aspx [Accessed 27 Oct. 2016]. Sankaran, S., 2016. SafetyNET p Protocol, New York: s.n. Zhang, J. Q., 2012. ControlNet Control System Network Design and Optimization. AMR, Volume 586.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
From Mozart To The Second School Of Vienna. Essays - Freemasons
From Mozart To The Second School Of Vienna. At Dimitris Mitropoulos hall on the 3rd of February took place a part of the sere ?From Mozart to the second school of Vienna'. Wolfang Amadeus Mozart's piano, violin, viola and violoncello quartet num.2 in E-major, K.493 and Arnold Schoenberg's ?Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, Op. 41' for string, piano and voice quartet and after the break, Wolfang Amadeus Mozart's piano, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon quintet in E-major, K-452. The quartets and the quintet were played as written above. Firstly, K.493 which wasAccording to Mozart's own catalogue, the second quartet in E-flat major was completed on June 3, 1786, less than nine months after the letter to Hoffmeister about the advance. This time, Mozart had the piece printed by the rival publisher Artaria and that edition is the earliest version we possess. With the exception of a few drafts from the Finale, which are in the British Museum, no autograph score remains. Even if one feels the work to be a relief after its uncompromising counterpart in G minor, the later quartet cannot really be seen as an easier alternative. It is too elaborate for that. This time Mozart sets the piano against the string trio more, but this is not done purely for convenience. The strong polarity of tonic and subdominant in the first two movements creates a somber undercurrent which is emphasized by the instrumentation. The second theme of the first movement (a softer version of the pent-up energy of the beginning, introduced by the violin) is preceded by a contracted motif of two descending sixths which then persists throughout the whole movement as a kind idee fixe. There are no less than 31 reputations of it in the development, where it serves as a harmonic pivot for a very bold series of modulations. The slow movement exudes warmth and thoughtfulness, twinned with chromatic moments of doubt. Harmonically expansive answering phrases in the strings anticipate the sublime music of the divertimento for string trio K.563. The movement is also a perfect example of Mozart's skill in figuration and ornamentation. The musicians who performed that were Ralf Gothoni who played the piano, he's appearing frequently across Europe, Canada, Russia,and Japan, Swedish Ralf Gothoni is a multitalentedmusician citing roles as solo pianist, accompanying pianist, chamber music member etc. He has worked withlarge orchestras as well as acting as art director forthree years at the festival of Savonlinna. Moreover he teached up till 1997 at the Hamburg Academy and iscurrently employed at the Sibelian Academy and at HansHaisler of Berlin. He has won the Gilmor Prize, the Schubert Medal, an award of honor from Finland andalso is active as a pediatrician offering seminars ona global basis. , Mirijam Contzen who played the violin, 24-year old Mirijam Contzen started her musical at thetender age of two. From the age of seven she studiedunder Tibor Varga at the Music Academy of Detmolnt andfinished her studies at the anotati scholi of Music ofElvetia. She won the first prize at the InternationalTibor Varga Violin Contest in 1993 and has played withmany orchestras such as Hamburg's and SaintPetroupolis and Hungary's national symphonyorchestras. In 1996 she recorded the concerto forviolin by Mendelson and Bruch and in 1998 sonatas bySains-Sans, Debissi, and Frank under the Arte Nova andBMG labels respectively. Diemut Poppen who played the viola starting from the age of seven Diemut Poppenconcentrated only on the viola from seventeen yearsold and on. Her studies have taken her all acrossEurope and to the USA. She has appeared as a soloistin many important musical events and theatres acrossthe world. She was one of the founding members and for15 years a member of the European Chamber Orchestra.At the early age of 29 she became a teacher of theviola and chamber music at the academy of Zaarbrukenand from 1994 she teaches chamber music at theThourigian summer academy. For the past three yearsshe has been the art director at ?Days of ChamberMusic? of Onsabruk. She has also played in many radio,television and record productions.Frans Helmerson: violoncelloFrans Helmerson born in 1945 in Sweden started playingthe violoncello at the age of eight. He studied inGermany, Italy and England and since has done concertson all inhabited continents except Australia. Heappears in many roles- soloist
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Skin Cancer Essays - RTT, Carcinoma, Anatomical Pathology
Skin Cancer Essays - RTT, Carcinoma, Anatomical Pathology "Skin Cancer" Gone are the days when people sent children outside to play to get a little color in their cheeks. They know too much about the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and the threat of skin cancer. Or do they? Despite the fact that 58% of parents remembered hearing about the importance of protecting their children from the sun, children are still playing in the sun without sunscreen or protective clothing (3., p 1). Sunburn is the most preventable risk factor of skin cancer. Skin type and family history cannot be changed. Protection from the sun and education of the potential hazards of the sun need serious attention. The American Cancer Society estimates that over 850,000 cases of skin cancer will occur in the United States during 1996. Of those cases, they predict that 9,430 will end in death (4., p 1). Apparently, Americans still do not have an adequate amount of prevention information to help reduce the disfigurement and mortality from this cancer. Exposure to the ultraviolet radiation from the sun is the most frequently blamed source of skin cancer. Due to the reduction of ozone in the earths atmosphere, UV radiation is higher today than it was several years ago. Ozone serves as a filter to screen out and reduce the UV light that reaches the earths surface and its people. Very simply, sunburn and UV light can damage the skin and lead to skin cancer (1., p 1). The American Cancer Society also faulted repeated exposure to x-rays, artificial forms of UV radiation like tanning beds, and contact with chemicals like coal tar and arsenic as other causes of skin cancer (4., p 1). Additionally, if there is a history of skin cancer in the family, an individual may be at a higher risk (1., p 1). Individuals who have experienced only one serious sunburn have increased their risk of skin cancer by as much as 50% (1., p 4). There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma usually imposes itself on areas of the skin that have been exposed to the sun. It usually appears as a small raised bump with a smooth shiny surface. Another type resembles a scar that is firm to the touch. Although this specific type of skin cancer may spread to tissue directly surrounding the cancer area, it usually does not spread to other areas of the body (9., pp 2-3). Squamous cell carcinoma growths also appear most frequently on areas of the body that have been exposed to the sun. These areas can include the hands, lower lip, forehead, and the top of the nose. Additionally, skin that has been exposed to x-rays, chemicals, or has been sunburned can host these tumors. The squamous tumors may feel scaly or develop a crusty appearance. Some growths may bleed. These particular tumors may spread to lymph nodes in the surrounding area (9., pp 2 -3). Malignant melanoma is a far more serious type of skin cancer. It can spread quickly to other parts of the body through the lymph system or blood. This type of skin cancer is more common among adults. Findings have indicated that men most often develop melanoma on the trunk of the body. Whereas, women most often develop it on the arms and legs (6., pp 2-3). The warning signs of melanoma are: changes in the color, size, or shape of a mole, bleeding or oozing from a mole, or a mole that is hard, lumpy, swollen, and is tender to the touch, or feels itchy. A new mole can also be an indicator of melanoma. A simple "ABCD" rule outlines the warning signs of melanoma. "A" is for asymmetry. One half of the mole does not match the other. "B" is for border irregularity. The edges are ragged, notched, or blurred. "C" is for color. The pigmentation is not uniform. "D" is for a diameter of greater than 6mm. Any progressive increase in size should be of particular concern (8., p 1). For both basal and squamous cell carcinomas, surgery is the most common treatment. Electrosurgery is the process in which the cancer is scooped out with a sharp instrument and then an electric current is used to burn the edges around the site to kill
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Motivational statement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Motivational statement - Research Paper Example My ultimate goal is to be an instrument of change to the development of sailors and hone them into future naval officers. The US Navy is one of the most prestigious institutions which can accord a multi disciplinary approach to the development of navy and marine corps. I am optimistic in learning various principles of leading and motivating navy personnel to enable me to devise innovative methods which would be more effective in improving educational methodologies and instructions. I would like to be given the opportunity to share the theoretical and practical applications of the US Navy to a variety of navy and marine personnel. Inasmuch as the US Navy would accord me with the much needed skills to make me an efficient and effective instrument of knowledge; I, too, if given the opportunity, would like to relate an ample share of what I have learned to those under my future governance. It has always been my dream and long-term goal to position myself as a leading Navy officer to help others in confronting challenges in their future naval service. By being commissioned as a Navy officer, I would finally integrate my diverse leadership and motivational acumen to affiliated careers in marine endeavor. This would eventually fulfill my promise to return the generosity accorded by highly professional governmental service institutions like yours by unselfishly sharing the expertise I earned. Personally, I believe I have the innate skills, utmost dedication, exemplary mental abilities, highly disciplined, unquestionable integrity and pure conviction to delve into this field of endeavor. My previous educational and work experiences fuelled my desire to explore matters pertaining to naval service, human resources intricacies, navy and Marine Corps based participation and correspondences. A childhood dream. A good opportunity. A desired profession. A prestigious governmental service
Monday, February 3, 2020
Gender and Aging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Gender and Aging - Essay Example For instance, Ms. Beatrice engages in volunteering work in order to find time to share with her daughter and grandchildren (Anno. 2014). This helps her to feel better because of the company and the chance to interact with others. The aging services can help widows like Ms. Beatrice Newman cope with such challenges and age successfully by providing social occasions where they can interact with others. This is essential since it will make them feel appreciated and forget about their problems back at home. It would also be appropriate to encourage them to participate in volunteering activities where they can keep busy and socialize with other members of the society (Anno. 2014). This arises because the main challenge to them is loneliness and loss of touch of the family members. As a result, aging services can support caregivers by providing suitable facilities and conditions for taking care of the
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Evolution Of The Food And Beverage Industry Marketing Essay
The Evolution Of The Food And Beverage Industry Marketing Essay The evolution of the food and beverage industry in tandem with restaurants can be said one of the most fundamental inceptions of all time. According to Kiefer (2002, p.58), Paris is often cited as the birthplace of the modern-day restaurant, but restaurants existed long before the French Revolution in other locations when economics and social mores made them feasible. He continues by saying that as of today, there are millions of restaurants across the world that offer variant types of food, services and experiences as opposed to limited scope of the original restaurants (p.58-60). Nonetheless, it is vitally inherent to note that in spite of the monumental positive steps that have been made in this industry over the recent times; much more still needs to be done so that restaurants achieve their full potentiality in the present world (Morgan and Watson, 2007). It is for this reason that there has been an increasingly popular need for marketing of restaurants in particular and food industry in general. In respect to that, Warden and Martens (1998) say that over the recent times, Marketing and advertising have developed as industrial applications of socio-scientific techniques of data gathering and analysis for the purpose of selling commodities. And in order to do this marketing, it is fundamental to establish the important precepts that of restaurants so as to adequately plan do the marketing. It is for this reason that this dissertation proposal focuses on concisely outlining the roles that food and experience play in marketing. Then based on the findings whic h are drawn from a wide range of write-ups by numerous authors; we will be able to know which of the two precepts (food and experience) should be increasingly used by restaurants owners to market their food joints in their websites. Aims and objectives of the proposal To establish which of the two precepts (food and experience) is most important and intrinsic in website marketing of a restaurant to its targeted public. To find other essential contributing factors that concurrently complement the roles of food and experience in the marketing of a restaurant through a website. To investigate how food and experience are represented on restaurant website for their promotion. To determine how competition may be handled in restaurant marketing website for food and experience. Notably, all the above aims and objectives are based on the literature reviewed below. 3.0Literature Review Web marketing has become very important in our modern world of new technology. Web marketing also known as internet marketing, online marketing, digital marketing or e-marketing is defined as marketing which is probably done through the e-mail and media which is wireless. Electronic customer relationship management system is considered as internet marketing. Media is placed in varying stages of customer circles referred to as circles of customer engagement using search engines. Marketing reports show that 80% of customers use internet search to locate for restaurants located locally. An estimated 50% of the customers view menus, reviews, pictures in the internet to locate for restaurants. Companies need to have well and easily navigated restaurant websites to market themselves locally and nationally. The main objective is to ensure the web site should increase the number of customers and increase the sales. A restaurant company that faces stiff competition can use websites to earn reputation in the market. Social networking is effective tool in marketing restaurants. Marketing specialist or the owner can prepare a blog containing the recent trends in the restaurant. Book marking is used to create a large online space for the restaurant. Company can create a review site and pay some people to comment negatively or positively about the restaurant. Customers feel honored when given a chance to voice out their ideas and thoughts about the restaurant. This can attract customers to the hotel because they think they are stake holders of the restaurant. News letters can be printed to depict the restaurants latest advertising, promotional and performance trends. Customers will tell others about the restaurant and reduce extra costs of advertising because advertising by word of mouth is very important in the field of business. Companies should hire marketing firms to market their restaurants online. Clear details of the restaurant should be provided online. They include menu offerings, telephone number, and address and restaurants history. Many people visit the website nowadays and your restaurant can attract people from different regions of the world. The restaurants website can be made available both offline and online. Changes to the restaurants web site should be made gradually. 3.1 Advantages of online restaurant marketing Cheap as compared to traditional methods of advertising like use of radio, news papers, magazines and bill boards. Reaches so many customers world wide using the internet. Quick and effective for customers who frequently use the internet. Helpful in reducing competition among other restaurants using web marketing. 3.2 Disadvantages of online restaurant marketing In applicable when customers dont have access to internet services. Failure to frequently update restaurant web site may lead to trailing performance. Lack of enough information about the restaurant may make marketing and advertising in effective. 3.3 Website analysis 10 Steps are followed in order to analyze a web site. Understand the purpose of the website immediately. Navigate through the website quickly and when you are lost then exit the web. Find out whether the website is attractive. Look on how white space page is displayed. Website covered with images means that the legibility is bare. Navigate and find out where you are there and why. Typography should be clear througho8ut the website search. Website should be well organized with invisible grids provided underneath. When the content is placed in all part of the page then it means the designer had been lost in the designing of the web. Colors used in designing the website should be used in alignment with the content. Colors that are not interesting to the viewer of the website make the design to fail. The design of the website should be consistency from the start to the end of the page. The website should be designed in a way that is compatible to the browser whether internet explorer or fires fox. Website should be created fast and light so as to ensure easy and quick browsing without waiting for minutes for the page to be displayed. 4.0Research Methodology 4.1 Content analysis of the website chosen Under this section we shall use an example of a website of Steve restaurant in Toronto. The website is www.steves restaurant.ca. The website among many others discussed is very explicit and shows all the details in the web page. In order for a restaurant to succeed in internet marketing the website should be very attractive. Steves restaurant website has a clear purpose for the business activity to be carried. When we look at the displayed page the hotel building is clearly drawn and written with words which are inscribed in red color.Steves Restaurant The content is not paced in all the part of the page but here are spaces underneath. The website is easily navigable and the pages are consistent from the beginning to the end. The colors used in the pages especially when you browse to the menu page are very attractive. When you look at the costs of meat, eggs and pancake all appear in different colors ranging from red, blue, yellow, and white. Pages are light and fast to open and a person does not wait for long to be displayed. Topography is clear and the website is compatible to the users of internet explorer and Mozilla fire fox. A restaurant which can afford to develop a website like the one discussed a above then it is in a good position to market itself both internationally and locally. It can increase sells and the flow of the customers within the region of operation. 4.2 Reliability and validity Because Steves restaurant has been in operation since 1946 in Toronto in the U.S then any other hotelier or a business exercutitive can create a website which is clear and professional like that of Steve. The menu, home page, map, info, photos, contest and contact us are well displayed. Telephone numbers are provided on top of the first page. Images of tables, chairs and small tomato sauce bottles are shown. The restaurant looks to be located in a busy street with people moving up and down. The building appears greyish in colour and the area is cool with enough shade. 4.3 Limitations to research To arrive at a discussed website for a given restaurant is very hard because you first ask yourself whether to create your own website or to look for examples of websites that have been created following the crucial ten steps for web design. Some pages providing clear website designs may not open therefore derailing the research exercise. It is costly to carry out an internet search especially in regions where internet cyber cafes are few. 4.4Conclusion Internet marketing especially for food and beverage providers is important. Most restaurants especially in the developed countries should hire qualified web designers to design restaurant websites. Websites should be changed after a given time to make them look a new to increase the customer base.Owers that dont recognize internet marketing especially in the United states, England, Spain, France and others need to change their business marketing altitudes and adopt modern ways of online marketing. Food has more weight than experience and excellent advertising and marketing functions should be addressed online.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Draft Letter Going to War in Vietnam Essay
It was a very hot and humid day. I will never forget that awful day. I just had gotten home from work; the traffic that day was horrible. The mail was in top of my dining room table, and there it was on top of all the mail, the only thing o saw on the envelope was draft and I was the addressee. My reaction was â€Å"Oh My God†, my heart was pounding very heart it felt like it was about to jump out of my chest, my ears were burning. All I could think was that we are told that we are helping people and fighting for our freedom. Instead innocent people are being killed; I have lost most of my freedom. What options do I have, leave the country, or hide for the rest of your life. Or go to war not only means serving your country, but helping people along the way. What were my advantages or disadvantages? None of those options were good, at that point I was in shock, and I just could not believe that this was happening to me, till this day I do not remember ever opening that letter. The advantage I saw was, if I went to war the money I will be getting. With that money I could help my family, have a better future, and it can help me open a lot of doors. The disadvantage is that I can get killed, injured, my family would be devastated, but at the same time they would feel proud. To some, including me the Vietnam War was a crime, an attempt by the United States to suppress a heroic Vietnamese national liberation movement that had driven French colonialism out of its country. To others, the Vietnam War was a forfeit, a just war needlessly lost by timid policymakers and a biased media. For many including myself, the Vietnam War was a tragic mistake brought about by U.S. leaders who exaggerated the influence of communism and underestimated the power of nationalism. Another advantage would be that I would come back as a hero, either alive or in a box. I will still be considered a hero, that is, if I live in a community that is very patriotic. But in my case I do not live in a community like that. The disadvantage would be that my community would not even know that I have gone to war. All I could think was that the draft discriminated against the poor, the less educated and ethnic minorities. Many of us were drafted into the Army against our will nearly all of us are kept in its grasp against our will all in order to carry out this illegal, immoral, and unjust war. We are forced to fight and die in a war we did not create and in which we don’t believe. There are advantages and disadvantages in every war that can either be minute details or change the whole course of war. I would go to war even knowing that I may get killed, injured. Morally is the right thing to do. As a citizen we have a duty to this country whether or not we believe in the cause of war. Initially, people going to Vietnam bought the domino theory. They willingly went because they were defending freedom and democracy and the American way, those who were sent to Vietnam knew that they did not have the support of the American people, knew that they were there in support of a failed policy, and knew that they were not defending freedom or democracy, but were pawns in an ongoing political struggle. My conclusion after writing this is that never think for a moment that you are the only one side that is suffering you might be physically safe from the effects of war. But war is an insidious enemy and all the more damaging when it is implications reach you, others through a dead and suffering.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Pilipinong Pamilya Pantawid Program Essay
These are the main findings of the recently completed assessment of the CCT – the first in a series of evaluations being done on the program – presented today by the World Bank in a public forum held in Quezon City led by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) with support from AusAID and the ADB Titled â€Å"Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer Program, Impact Evaluation 2012†the report confirms that children of Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries are enrolling and attending schools, with improved health due to regular visits to health stations, and pregnant mothers getting proper care. I am pleased to know that the children of poor families are indeed enjoying better and improving access to education and better health services through Pantawid Pamilya,† said DSWD Secretary Corazon Juliano-Soliman. Along with other government programs aimed to reduce poverty, Pantawid Pamilya ensures that no one gets left behind in terms achieving holistic and inclusive growth†Among the Pantawid barangays (villages) surveyed, the report lists the following findings comparing enrolment and school attendance between beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries: * In Pantawid barangays, 76 percent of preschoolers are enrolled in daycare, compared to 65 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; * Among school children at age 6-11, 98 percent of children in Pantawid barangays are enrolled in school, as against 93 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; and * Children in Pantawid barangays from age 6-14 also have higher school attendance (95-96 percent) as compared to children in non-Pantawid barangays (91 percent). The assessment is based on a the analysis of poor 1,418 households eligible for the Pantawid program from a survey covering 3,742 households in the provinces of Lanao del Norte, Mountain Province, Negros Occidental, and Occidental Mindoro. (Currently, there are more than 3 million poor families with more than 6 million children benefitting from the program). Pantawid Pamilya provides cash grants to poor households to encourage them to keep their children of age 0-14 in school and have regular health checks. Also, pregnant mothers are required to avail of proper medical care and their deliveries attended to by health professionals. Mothers are also required to attend family development sessions where they discuss topics on parenting and accessing social services in the community. In health, the study found that: * 64 percent of pregnant mothers in Pantawid barangays had antenatal care as against 54 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; * 85 percent of children in Pantawid barangays age 6-14 have undergone deworming as against 80 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; * 81 percent of children in Pantawid barangays at age 0-5 have taken Vitamin A supplements as against 75 percent in non-Pantawid barangays. According to Ms. Junko Onishi, World Bank’s social protection specialist, Pantawid Pamilya has contributed to reduction in the severe stunting among poor children 6-36 months of age in Pantawid barangays. Stunting in the first two years of life is known to cause irreversible damage later in life including lower educational attainment, reduced adult income, and decreased offspring birth weight. Therefore, reduction in severe stunting among poor children at this age will have long-term benefits, Ms. Onishi said. â€Å"This reduction in severe stunting indicates that CCT is enabling families to better care for their children,†said Ms. Onishi, who presented the highlights of the impact evaluation during the forum. â€Å"More parents in Pantawid barangays (villages) are feeding their children with high-protein food including eggs and fish, leading to improved nutritional status.  â€Å"Poor households under the program spend 38 percent more in education per capita and 34 percent more on medical expenses per capita than their non-Pantawid counterparts. This trend indicates a shift in the spending pattern among CCT beneficiaries towards greater investments in health and educ ation of their children,† said Mr. Nazmul Chaudhury, World Bank’s country sector coordinator for human development, and one of the authors of the report. The study recommends that coordination among health service providers needs to be strengthened to ensure that beneficiary mothers and children get the services they require and to ensure continuity of care. Also, the study suggests exploring the possibility of extending coverage from the current five years, increasing the grant amount for older children, and improving school facilities and services. The impact evaluation study was funded by the World Bank and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). The study was led by the World Bank and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), in coordination with AusAID and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The study aims to present empirical evidence on the key outcomes of Pantawid Pamilya. source: Joint Press Release by World Bank and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (2013/03/1)| DSWD says No to Epal and Yes to Empowering Pantawid Pamilya Beneficiaries| | | Written by Pantawid Pamilya Social Marketing Unit   | Thursday, 31 January 2013 08:44| ShareThisNo more threats. No more epal. These are the main thrusts of Bawal Ang Epal Dito Campaign of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to be launched from January to May 2013 to protect the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, from undue politicking and interventions that may affect the program’s integrity. Bawal Ang Epal Dito confronts the issues of external pressures and eliminates the misconception of the beneficiaries about the control of politicians or parties over Pantawid Pamilya.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The United States Of America - 945 Words
The United States of America is the result of various famous individuals who positively contributed to its establishment. Among these figures, was Benjamin Franklin an American citizen born in Boston in 1706 and passed away 1790. Mr. Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the U.S. He built his character based on values and virtues. Mr. Franklin made several inventions that impacted and still influenced the country such as extension arm, he developed journalism, library chair, daylight savings times, bifocal glass, swimming fins, odometer and so on. Besides these inventions, He made a colossal effect by declaring the independence, founding the nation. in addition, establishing the first Public library in the nation. Mr. Franklin’s was forced to end his education by his father wish in his early age. However, this situation did not prevent him to stop his passion and desire to learn. His love for literature was natural that he spent one to two hours each day to increase his knowledge by reading, which eventually developed his writing and reading skills. Has he stated in his biography, â€Å"reading was the only reading, repaired in some degree the loss of the learn education my father once intended for me†(Franklin, P.1) Indeed, Franklin’s idea of the public library in Philadelphia occurred after several meetings at the â€Å"JUNTO club mutual improvement†each Friday evenings that he created in 1727. The main purpose according to Mr. Franklin was to â€Å"produce queries†onShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of America1536 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States of America is well known throughout the world for tis democracy ant the freedoms of its citizens. Since declaring its Independence from Great Britain rule in 1776, the United States of America has undergone a continuous effort to maintain law and order. 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