Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Motivational statement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Motivational statement - Research Paper Example My ultimate goal is to be an instrument of change to the development of sailors and hone them into future naval officers. The US Navy is one of the most prestigious institutions which can accord a multi disciplinary approach to the development of navy and marine corps. I am optimistic in learning various principles of leading and motivating navy personnel to enable me to devise innovative methods which would be more effective in improving educational methodologies and instructions. I would like to be given the opportunity to share the theoretical and practical applications of the US Navy to a variety of navy and marine personnel. Inasmuch as the US Navy would accord me with the much needed skills to make me an efficient and effective instrument of knowledge; I, too, if given the opportunity, would like to relate an ample share of what I have learned to those under my future governance. It has always been my dream and long-term goal to position myself as a leading Navy officer to help others in confronting challenges in their future naval service. By being commissioned as a Navy officer, I would finally integrate my diverse leadership and motivational acumen to affiliated careers in marine endeavor. This would eventually fulfill my promise to return the generosity accorded by highly professional governmental service institutions like yours by unselfishly sharing the expertise I earned. Personally, I believe I have the innate skills, utmost dedication, exemplary mental abilities, highly disciplined, unquestionable integrity and pure conviction to delve into this field of endeavor. My previous educational and work experiences fuelled my desire to explore matters pertaining to naval service, human resources intricacies, navy and Marine Corps based participation and correspondences. A childhood dream. A good opportunity. A desired profession. A prestigious governmental service

Monday, February 3, 2020

Gender and Aging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gender and Aging - Essay Example For instance, Ms. Beatrice engages in volunteering work in order to find time to share with her daughter and grandchildren (Anno. 2014). This helps her to feel better because of the company and the chance to interact with others. The aging services can help widows like Ms. Beatrice Newman cope with such challenges and age successfully by providing social occasions where they can interact with others. This is essential since it will make them feel appreciated and forget about their problems back at home. It would also be appropriate to encourage them to participate in volunteering activities where they can keep busy and socialize with other members of the society (Anno. 2014). This arises because the main challenge to them is loneliness and loss of touch of the family members. As a result, aging services can support caregivers by providing suitable facilities and conditions for taking care of the