Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Evolution Of The Food And Beverage Industry Marketing Essay
The Evolution Of The Food And Beverage Industry Marketing Essay The evolution of the food and beverage industry in tandem with restaurants can be said one of the most fundamental inceptions of all time. According to Kiefer (2002, p.58), Paris is often cited as the birthplace of the modern-day restaurant, but restaurants existed long before the French Revolution in other locations when economics and social mores made them feasible. He continues by saying that as of today, there are millions of restaurants across the world that offer variant types of food, services and experiences as opposed to limited scope of the original restaurants (p.58-60). Nonetheless, it is vitally inherent to note that in spite of the monumental positive steps that have been made in this industry over the recent times; much more still needs to be done so that restaurants achieve their full potentiality in the present world (Morgan and Watson, 2007). It is for this reason that there has been an increasingly popular need for marketing of restaurants in particular and food industry in general. In respect to that, Warden and Martens (1998) say that over the recent times, Marketing and advertising have developed as industrial applications of socio-scientific techniques of data gathering and analysis for the purpose of selling commodities. And in order to do this marketing, it is fundamental to establish the important precepts that of restaurants so as to adequately plan do the marketing. It is for this reason that this dissertation proposal focuses on concisely outlining the roles that food and experience play in marketing. Then based on the findings whic h are drawn from a wide range of write-ups by numerous authors; we will be able to know which of the two precepts (food and experience) should be increasingly used by restaurants owners to market their food joints in their websites. Aims and objectives of the proposal To establish which of the two precepts (food and experience) is most important and intrinsic in website marketing of a restaurant to its targeted public. To find other essential contributing factors that concurrently complement the roles of food and experience in the marketing of a restaurant through a website. To investigate how food and experience are represented on restaurant website for their promotion. To determine how competition may be handled in restaurant marketing website for food and experience. Notably, all the above aims and objectives are based on the literature reviewed below. 3.0Literature Review Web marketing has become very important in our modern world of new technology. Web marketing also known as internet marketing, online marketing, digital marketing or e-marketing is defined as marketing which is probably done through the e-mail and media which is wireless. Electronic customer relationship management system is considered as internet marketing. Media is placed in varying stages of customer circles referred to as circles of customer engagement using search engines. Marketing reports show that 80% of customers use internet search to locate for restaurants located locally. An estimated 50% of the customers view menus, reviews, pictures in the internet to locate for restaurants. Companies need to have well and easily navigated restaurant websites to market themselves locally and nationally. The main objective is to ensure the web site should increase the number of customers and increase the sales. A restaurant company that faces stiff competition can use websites to earn reputation in the market. Social networking is effective tool in marketing restaurants. Marketing specialist or the owner can prepare a blog containing the recent trends in the restaurant. Book marking is used to create a large online space for the restaurant. Company can create a review site and pay some people to comment negatively or positively about the restaurant. Customers feel honored when given a chance to voice out their ideas and thoughts about the restaurant. This can attract customers to the hotel because they think they are stake holders of the restaurant. News letters can be printed to depict the restaurants latest advertising, promotional and performance trends. Customers will tell others about the restaurant and reduce extra costs of advertising because advertising by word of mouth is very important in the field of business. Companies should hire marketing firms to market their restaurants online. Clear details of the restaurant should be provided online. They include menu offerings, telephone number, and address and restaurants history. Many people visit the website nowadays and your restaurant can attract people from different regions of the world. The restaurants website can be made available both offline and online. Changes to the restaurants web site should be made gradually. 3.1 Advantages of online restaurant marketing Cheap as compared to traditional methods of advertising like use of radio, news papers, magazines and bill boards. Reaches so many customers world wide using the internet. Quick and effective for customers who frequently use the internet. Helpful in reducing competition among other restaurants using web marketing. 3.2 Disadvantages of online restaurant marketing In applicable when customers dont have access to internet services. Failure to frequently update restaurant web site may lead to trailing performance. Lack of enough information about the restaurant may make marketing and advertising in effective. 3.3 Website analysis 10 Steps are followed in order to analyze a web site. Understand the purpose of the website immediately. Navigate through the website quickly and when you are lost then exit the web. Find out whether the website is attractive. Look on how white space page is displayed. Website covered with images means that the legibility is bare. Navigate and find out where you are there and why. Typography should be clear througho8ut the website search. Website should be well organized with invisible grids provided underneath. When the content is placed in all part of the page then it means the designer had been lost in the designing of the web. Colors used in designing the website should be used in alignment with the content. Colors that are not interesting to the viewer of the website make the design to fail. The design of the website should be consistency from the start to the end of the page. The website should be designed in a way that is compatible to the browser whether internet explorer or fires fox. Website should be created fast and light so as to ensure easy and quick browsing without waiting for minutes for the page to be displayed. 4.0Research Methodology 4.1 Content analysis of the website chosen Under this section we shall use an example of a website of Steve restaurant in Toronto. The website is www.steves The website among many others discussed is very explicit and shows all the details in the web page. In order for a restaurant to succeed in internet marketing the website should be very attractive. Steves restaurant website has a clear purpose for the business activity to be carried. When we look at the displayed page the hotel building is clearly drawn and written with words which are inscribed in red color.Steves Restaurant The content is not paced in all the part of the page but here are spaces underneath. The website is easily navigable and the pages are consistent from the beginning to the end. The colors used in the pages especially when you browse to the menu page are very attractive. When you look at the costs of meat, eggs and pancake all appear in different colors ranging from red, blue, yellow, and white. Pages are light and fast to open and a person does not wait for long to be displayed. Topography is clear and the website is compatible to the users of internet explorer and Mozilla fire fox. A restaurant which can afford to develop a website like the one discussed a above then it is in a good position to market itself both internationally and locally. It can increase sells and the flow of the customers within the region of operation. 4.2 Reliability and validity Because Steves restaurant has been in operation since 1946 in Toronto in the U.S then any other hotelier or a business exercutitive can create a website which is clear and professional like that of Steve. The menu, home page, map, info, photos, contest and contact us are well displayed. Telephone numbers are provided on top of the first page. Images of tables, chairs and small tomato sauce bottles are shown. The restaurant looks to be located in a busy street with people moving up and down. The building appears greyish in colour and the area is cool with enough shade. 4.3 Limitations to research To arrive at a discussed website for a given restaurant is very hard because you first ask yourself whether to create your own website or to look for examples of websites that have been created following the crucial ten steps for web design. Some pages providing clear website designs may not open therefore derailing the research exercise. It is costly to carry out an internet search especially in regions where internet cyber cafes are few. 4.4Conclusion Internet marketing especially for food and beverage providers is important. Most restaurants especially in the developed countries should hire qualified web designers to design restaurant websites. Websites should be changed after a given time to make them look a new to increase the customer base.Owers that dont recognize internet marketing especially in the United states, England, Spain, France and others need to change their business marketing altitudes and adopt modern ways of online marketing. Food has more weight than experience and excellent advertising and marketing functions should be addressed online.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Draft Letter Going to War in Vietnam Essay
It was a very hot and humid day. I will never forget that awful day. I just had gotten home from work; the traffic that day was horrible. The mail was in top of my dining room table, and there it was on top of all the mail, the only thing o saw on the envelope was draft and I was the addressee. My reaction was â€Å"Oh My God†, my heart was pounding very heart it felt like it was about to jump out of my chest, my ears were burning. All I could think was that we are told that we are helping people and fighting for our freedom. Instead innocent people are being killed; I have lost most of my freedom. What options do I have, leave the country, or hide for the rest of your life. Or go to war not only means serving your country, but helping people along the way. What were my advantages or disadvantages? None of those options were good, at that point I was in shock, and I just could not believe that this was happening to me, till this day I do not remember ever opening that letter. The advantage I saw was, if I went to war the money I will be getting. With that money I could help my family, have a better future, and it can help me open a lot of doors. The disadvantage is that I can get killed, injured, my family would be devastated, but at the same time they would feel proud. To some, including me the Vietnam War was a crime, an attempt by the United States to suppress a heroic Vietnamese national liberation movement that had driven French colonialism out of its country. To others, the Vietnam War was a forfeit, a just war needlessly lost by timid policymakers and a biased media. For many including myself, the Vietnam War was a tragic mistake brought about by U.S. leaders who exaggerated the influence of communism and underestimated the power of nationalism. Another advantage would be that I would come back as a hero, either alive or in a box. I will still be considered a hero, that is, if I live in a community that is very patriotic. But in my case I do not live in a community like that. The disadvantage would be that my community would not even know that I have gone to war. All I could think was that the draft discriminated against the poor, the less educated and ethnic minorities. Many of us were drafted into the Army against our will nearly all of us are kept in its grasp against our will all in order to carry out this illegal, immoral, and unjust war. We are forced to fight and die in a war we did not create and in which we don’t believe. There are advantages and disadvantages in every war that can either be minute details or change the whole course of war. I would go to war even knowing that I may get killed, injured. Morally is the right thing to do. As a citizen we have a duty to this country whether or not we believe in the cause of war. Initially, people going to Vietnam bought the domino theory. They willingly went because they were defending freedom and democracy and the American way, those who were sent to Vietnam knew that they did not have the support of the American people, knew that they were there in support of a failed policy, and knew that they were not defending freedom or democracy, but were pawns in an ongoing political struggle. My conclusion after writing this is that never think for a moment that you are the only one side that is suffering you might be physically safe from the effects of war. But war is an insidious enemy and all the more damaging when it is implications reach you, others through a dead and suffering.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Pilipinong Pamilya Pantawid Program Essay
These are the main findings of the recently completed assessment of the CCT – the first in a series of evaluations being done on the program – presented today by the World Bank in a public forum held in Quezon City led by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) with support from AusAID and the ADB Titled â€Å"Philippines Conditional Cash Transfer Program, Impact Evaluation 2012†the report confirms that children of Pantawid Pamilya beneficiaries are enrolling and attending schools, with improved health due to regular visits to health stations, and pregnant mothers getting proper care. I am pleased to know that the children of poor families are indeed enjoying better and improving access to education and better health services through Pantawid Pamilya,† said DSWD Secretary Corazon Juliano-Soliman. Along with other government programs aimed to reduce poverty, Pantawid Pamilya ensures that no one gets left behind in terms achieving holistic and inclusive growth†Among the Pantawid barangays (villages) surveyed, the report lists the following findings comparing enrolment and school attendance between beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries: * In Pantawid barangays, 76 percent of preschoolers are enrolled in daycare, compared to 65 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; * Among school children at age 6-11, 98 percent of children in Pantawid barangays are enrolled in school, as against 93 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; and * Children in Pantawid barangays from age 6-14 also have higher school attendance (95-96 percent) as compared to children in non-Pantawid barangays (91 percent). The assessment is based on a the analysis of poor 1,418 households eligible for the Pantawid program from a survey covering 3,742 households in the provinces of Lanao del Norte, Mountain Province, Negros Occidental, and Occidental Mindoro. (Currently, there are more than 3 million poor families with more than 6 million children benefitting from the program). Pantawid Pamilya provides cash grants to poor households to encourage them to keep their children of age 0-14 in school and have regular health checks. Also, pregnant mothers are required to avail of proper medical care and their deliveries attended to by health professionals. Mothers are also required to attend family development sessions where they discuss topics on parenting and accessing social services in the community. In health, the study found that: * 64 percent of pregnant mothers in Pantawid barangays had antenatal care as against 54 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; * 85 percent of children in Pantawid barangays age 6-14 have undergone deworming as against 80 percent in non-Pantawid barangays; * 81 percent of children in Pantawid barangays at age 0-5 have taken Vitamin A supplements as against 75 percent in non-Pantawid barangays. According to Ms. Junko Onishi, World Bank’s social protection specialist, Pantawid Pamilya has contributed to reduction in the severe stunting among poor children 6-36 months of age in Pantawid barangays. Stunting in the first two years of life is known to cause irreversible damage later in life including lower educational attainment, reduced adult income, and decreased offspring birth weight. Therefore, reduction in severe stunting among poor children at this age will have long-term benefits, Ms. Onishi said. â€Å"This reduction in severe stunting indicates that CCT is enabling families to better care for their children,†said Ms. Onishi, who presented the highlights of the impact evaluation during the forum. â€Å"More parents in Pantawid barangays (villages) are feeding their children with high-protein food including eggs and fish, leading to improved nutritional status.  â€Å"Poor households under the program spend 38 percent more in education per capita and 34 percent more on medical expenses per capita than their non-Pantawid counterparts. This trend indicates a shift in the spending pattern among CCT beneficiaries towards greater investments in health and educ ation of their children,† said Mr. Nazmul Chaudhury, World Bank’s country sector coordinator for human development, and one of the authors of the report. The study recommends that coordination among health service providers needs to be strengthened to ensure that beneficiary mothers and children get the services they require and to ensure continuity of care. Also, the study suggests exploring the possibility of extending coverage from the current five years, increasing the grant amount for older children, and improving school facilities and services. The impact evaluation study was funded by the World Bank and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). The study was led by the World Bank and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), in coordination with AusAID and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The study aims to present empirical evidence on the key outcomes of Pantawid Pamilya. source: Joint Press Release by World Bank and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (2013/03/1)| DSWD says No to Epal and Yes to Empowering Pantawid Pamilya Beneficiaries| | | Written by Pantawid Pamilya Social Marketing Unit   | Thursday, 31 January 2013 08:44| ShareThisNo more threats. No more epal. These are the main thrusts of Bawal Ang Epal Dito Campaign of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to be launched from January to May 2013 to protect the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, from undue politicking and interventions that may affect the program’s integrity. Bawal Ang Epal Dito confronts the issues of external pressures and eliminates the misconception of the beneficiaries about the control of politicians or parties over Pantawid Pamilya.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The United States Of America - 945 Words
The United States of America is the result of various famous individuals who positively contributed to its establishment. Among these figures, was Benjamin Franklin an American citizen born in Boston in 1706 and passed away 1790. Mr. Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the U.S. He built his character based on values and virtues. Mr. Franklin made several inventions that impacted and still influenced the country such as extension arm, he developed journalism, library chair, daylight savings times, bifocal glass, swimming fins, odometer and so on. Besides these inventions, He made a colossal effect by declaring the independence, founding the nation. in addition, establishing the first Public library in the nation. Mr. Franklin’s was forced to end his education by his father wish in his early age. However, this situation did not prevent him to stop his passion and desire to learn. His love for literature was natural that he spent one to two hours each day to increase his knowledge by reading, which eventually developed his writing and reading skills. Has he stated in his biography, â€Å"reading was the only reading, repaired in some degree the loss of the learn education my father once intended for me†(Franklin, P.1) Indeed, Franklin’s idea of the public library in Philadelphia occurred after several meetings at the â€Å"JUNTO club mutual improvement†each Friday evenings that he created in 1727. The main purpose according to Mr. Franklin was to â€Å"produce queries†onShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of America1536 Words  | 7 PagesThe United States of America is well known throughout the world for tis democracy ant the freedoms of its citizens. Since declaring its Independence from Great Britain rule in 1776, the United States of America has undergone a continuous effort to maintain law and order. 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