Saturday, May 23, 2020
Confucianism Is An Eastern Asia Religion / Philosophy
Confucianism is an Eastern Asia religion/philosophy. Described as a way of life. Confucianism is neither said to be a monotheistic nor a polytheistic religion. This religion originated in China during the 6th-5th century BCE, and has since then spread to countries such as Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam. Confucianism which means â€Å"The School of the Scholars†developed from the teachings of Confucius. It is more a system of ethics and social behavior. People who follow the teachings of Confucius also observe traditional Chinese religion, which is a combination of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism alongside local practices and beliefs. Confucianism has greatly influenced the history of Chinese civilizations, cultures, and territories up to the 21st century. Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, was born in 551 BCE in what is now known as Shantung Province. He grew up as a poverty-stricken commoner during the Chou dynasty, serving petty government posts before he opened a school at 22. Little is known about who his early teachers were, but he was able to master the six arts. Confucius developed education, society, and government theories which he hoped would start his political career. By the age of 56, he realized that the king’s inner circle did not respect him and were not interested in his ideas, so he left and started to spread advice to different rulers. Having self-exiled himself for almost 13 years he had begun to accumulate students who spread his wisdom. At 67, ConfuciusShow MoreRelatedEssay about Confucianism1154 Words  | 5 Pages Confucianism Confucianism is an East Asian philosophy built up by a Chinese philosopher, Confucius (Kung Fu-tzu), in the 6th - 5th century BCE. It’s a philosophy based on human morals and relationships. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Comprehensive Market Analysis Free Essay Example, 4250 words
The processes required for the productions and service is mainly divided into three phases. The preparation of mixtures, baking or freezing and retailing or serving consists of the entire operation process. The raw material ordering, storing and issuing will need to be handled separately. Quality Control aspect has to remain one of the key concerns of the operation process. The production and service will operate as two separate processes where production side will be headed by the founder while the retail and service section will be handled by Susan Schucroft, the managing partner of the proposed venture. SW D will partner up with local dairy and fruit farmers to get fresh ingredients needed for the entire product range. Special ingredients such as emulsifiers and provers will be imported directly from Europe. Neil Schucroft and Susan Schucroft will act as managing partners with responsibilities of production operations and the service operations divided between them. Neil has expe rience in desserts and ice creams along with a Diploma in Culinary Arts, specializing in European cuisine from Schiller University Switzerland. This is one of the most prestigious of hospitality schools in Europe which combines up to 60% study time with apprenticeships in top European restaurants and hotels for the students. We will write a custom essay sample on A Comprehensive Market Analysis or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page As the operation grows in capacity, this staff strength will be increased to meet the manpower needs. Susan Schucroft is a well experienced retail floor manager at Wal-Mart currently but has previous experience in the food service industry, having worked at a number of Hagen Dass outlets in the capacity of a crew member and getting promoted to regional stores manager, during their stay in Europe.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Teens Go Gaga over Vampires Free Essays
string(56) " the cause for this century’s cult-like vampire fans\." Teens Go Gaga Over Vampires: Its Causes and Effects Abstract This article will identify and discuss the reasons why teenagers are obsessed with vampires and what effects does it have on them. Study shows that this obsession has a great impact on both the teenager as an individual and to the people who surround her. The researcher studied and investigated the topic by finding different articles, essays, data and surveys from different sources in the Internet, as well as reading some vampire novels herself. We will write a custom essay sample on Teens Go Gaga over Vampires or any similar topic only for you Order Now The survey conducted by the researcher was among teenagers aged 14 to 16 who are Filipinos. All the research done about what cause this obsession came to one particular conclusion. Teens are obsessed and are addicted with vampires because they happen to fall in love with the vampire’s characteristics, some value the vampire’s physical appearance, while others take notice of the vampire’s romantic actions. This obsession has a lot of effects to our society today, both positive and negative. Teens Go Gaga Over Vampires: Its Causes and Effects Vampire, the word itself says it all. Even though the term vampires was not made known to people before the 18th century, most people agree that vampires originated long ago during the prehistoric times in many different cultures that are related to vampires (Betonio, 2011). Many choose to believe that vampires are just myths that only exists in people’s minds and imagination. Many also believe in the existence of vampires in our world, that they are not just myths and stories, but are real. People even classified vampires according to their kind. According to Agnes Embile Jimenez (2008), there is the Danag, which is a Filipino vampire known originally as a harmless vampire who helps the humans in their livelihood until one day when the Danag sucked all the blood out from a woman whose finger was wounded. There is the Romanian Varacolaci, who is described as a powerful undead being who has the ability to morph into a beautiful human. There is the very fast vampire from Slovakia who is called as the Nelapsi. Last but not the least, there is the Italian vampire, the Stregonibenefici, who is said to belong to the good side and is an enemy to all other vampires who do not side with the good. Some additional kinds of vampires from Sarah Todd (2008) are the Lilith, a Hebrew demon, who drinks the blood of a baby; the African vampire, the Adze, who drinks coconut milk, palm oil and blood and who appears as a firefly but turns human-like once captured; the Impundulu or the Lightning Bird, who is a giant bird who has the ability to turn into a handsome man to lure women whose blood they will consume; the Asanboam who lives in trees and flies down whenever they see a possible prey; the Ramanga who were originally human but evolved eventually due to the nail parings they eat and the sucking of their master’s lost blood; Jiang Shi, the Chinese vampire, who is made when the soul dead cannot escape its body; and the Caribbean vampire Loogaroo, a female vampire. In literature, the first major work about vampires is the short German poem, The Vampire, which was written by Heinrich August Ossenfelde in 1748. The first example of a vampire who has no choice to be one and loathes himself is Varney from the epic book, Varney the Vampire, which was written by James Malcolm Rymer in 1845. Carmilla, written by Sheridan le Fanu in 1872, was the first book with an erotic vampire. The story was about a heroine seduced by a female vampire whose blood was later drunk by the vampire. In 1897, the famous Dracula by Bram Stoker was published. Bram Stoker mixed death, blood, and sex with medieval vampire myths and vampire stories that are present during his days. After almost half of a century, Richard Mattheson wrote the book I am Legend where the story revolves around a post-apocalyptic age where vampirism is a disease. This was often called as the first modern vampire novel. In 1975, Salem’s Lot by Stephen King was introduced to the world. King made the 20th century Maine as the setting of the story. After a year, the most famous Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice changed the whole concept of vampires. Vampire Chronicles featured vampires who are romantic and are the opposite of how they were first introduced (Laming, n. . ). In the year 2005, Stephenie Meyer published the phenomenal Twilight, the first book to the epic series that gave birth to billions of vampire-addicted teens and tweens in the 21st century. It all started when Meyer dreamt of a scene in 2003 wherein a handsome young vampire was talking to an ord inary human girl. After having this dream, she decided to make a story out of it. After many sleepless nights and countless instances where she wanted to give up, she still continued on working. And all that work finally paid off when that dream finally became Twilight. Twilight is about a story of two individuals who fell in love with each other. The difference it makes from other love stories is that Twilight is a love story between a human and a vampire, specifically Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Bella Swan was just an ordinary girl, but to Edward Cullen, she was the most exquisite thing he has ever seen in his 104 years of existence. He treated her better than how he treated anyone else, even himself. He loved her like there is nothing else to love. He made her his reason for living. All these were perfectly described in the book. As someone who was able to read about their love story, who would not fall in love with this mythical being. Edward Cullen was the reason why teenage girls are obsessed with vampires today. Edward Cullen was the cause for this century’s cult-like vampire fans. You read "Teens Go Gaga over Vampires" in category "Essay examples" This obsession has great effects to the lives of those teenagers who are addicted to these vampires. Because vampires in novels, movies and television show nowadays tend to have better qualities than humans that attract teens, specifically girls, causing them to be obsessed and to be addicted to the vampires. Teenage girls say that they like these vampires because of their characteristics. Discussion Vampires is novels, movies and television are already given a brand new image by authors these days which is based on the 19th century European Vampires (Rhoads, 2007). These authors do not describe them as how vampires were originally introduced. The word vampire itself is also associated with the word vamp, which means a woman who uses her charms or wiles to seduce and exploit men as a noun, and to practice seductive wiles on as a verb (Merriam-Webster, 1999). Instead of giving them a horrifying image, they gave them an image that everyone would want for themselves. Before the year 2000, most people still refer to vampires as monsters who seduce their prey who drain their prey’s blood afterwards even though the image of vampires in literature started to change as early as the 19th century. They also describe vampires as creatures who are scared of any kind of light because light may hurt them and may make them vanish into nothing. This description also came to the theory that vampires only attack during night, sleep in coffins and live in very dark places. Physically, they were described as creatures who have fangs as their teeth, powder-white skin and who wears black robes, which make them look like they are black and white. It is also said that vampires are cold-skinned because they are already considered as lifeless beings who continue to live despite the fact they do not have blood flowing inside of them. In 2005, when Twilight was published, vampires were described differently altogether. In almost all books published after 2005, proceeding Twilight, vampires are described as â€Å"beautiful people†. Vampires are described as more human-like, without fangs for their teeth, and even vary in skin color. They do not die nor do they age. Though they still drink blood, because this is what makes them a vampire, authors like Stephenie Meyer described her main characters, the Cullens to be exact, as â€Å"vegetarian vampires†or vampires who do not drink human blood but drinks animal blood as a substitute. While Twilight features vegetarian vampires, Blue Bloods still have vampires who drink human blood, but in a different manner. Even though they drink human blood, they do not drain the humans, they just drink a bit of the human’s blood to sustain their lives; they are prohibited to drink all the blood a human has. They even have a name for this event, â€Å"Caerimonia Oscular†or more popularly known as the â€Å"sacred kiss†. The humans from whom they drink blood are called their â€Å"human familiars†, and once they drink from a human, that human will be physically attached to the vampire. In other words, that human will fall in love with the vampire who drank from them. Most of these characteristics are found in almost all vampires today, some are even found in novels that involve fallen angels. Some of these famous vampires are Schuyler van Alen and Jack Force from the Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz, Zoey from P. C. Cast’s House of Night Series, Elena Gilbert from Vampire Diaries by L. J. Smith and of course, Edward Cullen from Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga. Besides the characteristics of these vampires, they make a great impact to the people who surround them. Another factor that attracts teenagers to them is how they treat those that they love and care for, and how those they love feel about them as well. Presently, many authors continue to write love stories about vampires, even though they were thought as heartless monsters who do not have the ability to love before. In books, vampires love differently from humans, which is why humans fall in love with them. Vampires treat the one that they love like he or she is the last being in the whole world. They will do anything for the one that they love, even though it is the hardest thing that they will ever do. They would want to die if they found out that the one that they love is now dead. They will want everything that is the best for the person they love. They will respond very quickly and would want to answer â€Å"yes†all the time. They will sacrifice anything just to keep the one they love safe from danger. Most importantly, they will never look at or be interested in someone else other than the person that they love; they will always remain faithful and would love unconditionally. Though the way that a vampire loves is incomparable, no one should belittle how a human loves the vampire who loves him or her as well. Since they are just humans, they sometimes get confused about who they really love. But even so, they will still realize that the one that they truly love is the vampire who loves them. They become obsessed about their vampire â€Å"boyfriend†or â€Å"girlfriend†. They want to spend every minute with the one that they love. They become attached to these vampires. Some would even agree to let the vampire drink their blood. Of course, they would also want to die for the safety of the person that they love. Since humans in novels, books, movies and television shows are already obsessed and addicted to these vampires, teenage girls who gets a chance to read these books or watch these shows and movies also get obsessed with the vampires featured in each. They say that they like these vampires because of their supernatural abilities, their physical appearance, which they describe as â€Å"hot†, their immortality, the forbidden love that the vampire and human has, and the butterflies that these vampires send to their stomachs. The attitude that humans in novels and movies have toward these vampires is still acceptable since they exist in the same world. The unhealthy thing for these teenage girls is that they become obsessed with these vampires even though they already know that they are just fictional characters and that they do not exist in real life. Because of everything about these vampires, teenagers become addicted to them. Some even say or admit that they have already fallen in love with these vampires. As they are addicted to these vampires, most do not even have the slightest idea of what effects this obsession has on them. Some say that it affects them positively, but they fail to admit that those positive effects cannot be compared to the negative effects it has on them. Some positive effects or benefits this obsession can cause them to love reading books. If they loved reading the first book, they will continue on reading the following books in the series; and if they already read the whole series, they will continue to read other series that have the same qualities they loved in the first series that they read. Reading these novels will help them broaden their vocabulary and enhance their skills in English. It will also develop their patience and concentration. With benefits, there will always be side effects. The negative effects that this obsession has on teens are greater than the benefits it has. Firstly, because of their addiction, they forget to prioritize. They do not set their priorities straight and tend to give importance to those things that do not really need importance then forgetting about the things that really matter. They also forget about the real issues in their lives. They get stuck up on this â€Å"vampire world†of theirs. They never think of anything else besides these vampires. There are also those who think that it is good to be obsessed with your boyfriend or girlfriend just like what Twilight tells them (McCarthy, 2009). Some also become insecure of themselves because of the way the vampires are described. They also never get contented of what they have and would wait for a better one, a perfect one, just like how the vampires are stated in books. As Wyck Godfrey (n. d. ), director of Twilight, accidentally said, â€Å"There’s a huge amount of danger in this movie [Twilight]. There’s also just the excitement of a teenager doing things that are verboten. These are things that people connect to. And not just girls; I think that guys will discover it’s dangerous, there’s action, there’s a thriller element to it, and then, ultimately, that it’s cool to be a vampire. Another negative effect this obsession has on teens is that they bite, cut and suck blood from themselves. Though this is far from being true, it really does happen. This problem was even included in an article from consumer reports entitled â€Å"10 Troubling Teen Trends†by Dr. Orly Avitzur(n. d. ). These are just some of the common effects of this addiction to the teenagers as individuals, and most of them do not even realize it. But this obsession does not only affect these teenagers, but also all the people who surround him or her. If they do not realize what effects this obsession has on them, how more can they realize the effects it has to their society, community or family. Parents, siblings, other family members, teachers, classmates, friends and others admit that they are also affected by obsession that teenagers have on vampires. Parents say that their children who get addicted to theses vampires bring nothing but trouble to them, especially to Christian families. First, because of this obsession, teenagers waste their time reading these nonsense books and watching these nonsense movies, leaving no amount of time for them to study or do their home works or projects. Before reading these books, they would buy them, and when these books are adapted into movies, they will surely watch them, wasting a lot of money. Some parents also admit that their children tend to follow these vampires. To Christian families, it has greater effects since the Bible stated that those who drinks blood and claims to be vampires are committing a sin against God (Goodwyn, n. d. ). You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meat of strangles animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell. Acts 15:29 (Zondervan, 1983) Siblings and friends are also influenced by this obsession. If the teenager who is obsessed with vampires is older than his or her siblings, the younger siblings would follow the older sibling and would end up addicted to vampires as well. The same principle goes with the individual’s friends; they also follow what their friend does. There are also individuals who get addicted to vampires as well because of wanting to fit in. Some individuals who do not know anything about these vampires moreover are fascinated by them, say that they are bothered by the obsession teenagers have on these supernatural beings. They say that they do not like going to malls whenever a new vampire movie comes out, like Twilight, because the mall gets too crowded. Consumers, like the teenagers, take these productions positively because they do not know what they are in for. Because the consumers continuously accept these offers, producers keep on producing them. The only positive outcome of this obsession is to the producers. This obsession is the source of their income. Due to this obsession, they get huge amounts of profits in producing vampire-affiliated shows, books, films or even products that feature the pictures of these vampires. Almost all are aware of the continuing growth of the population of teenagers who are addicted or obsessed with this kind of literature. Some may benefit from it but most just suffer from it. Some say that this obsession is almost like a mental illness wherein everyone, from children to adults, rich or poor, is a candidate. The teenager’s obsession on vampires is becoming a severe case in our society today. They even have terms like OCD, which stands for Obsessive Cullen Disorder or OVD, which means Obsessive Vampire Disorder If drug addiction, alcoholism, casino addiction and cigarette smoking can be cured through therapy in rehabilitation centers, vampire obsession most certainly can be cured. It’s all in the matter of the mind. If you are obsessed with something, you can’t help but spending almost all of your time doing things related to your obsession. You should start taking small steps towards your goal. Try to do some other stuff that does not have anything to do with vampires. Think of other things or do things which will occupy your mind so that you will forget about the vampires first. Slowly do these things until you know that you are already â€Å"cured†from your disorder (Patrick, n. d. ). Parents and other people who surround the individual should also show their support. They should also be with the individual every step of the way. This will help in boosting the individual’s confidence that he or she can do it. Parents and friends should also comfort the individual whenever he or she is having a breakdown. If it can be cured, then it surely can be prevented. If you realize or happen to observe that you are beginning to have a different view, a better one, about these vampires, you might be starting to become obsessed or addicted to them. You should stop as early as you realize this. If you continue on reading books about them or watching movies where they are portrayed, you will get addicted to them in no time. Once you become addicted, it will take a long process before you will be able to totally get rid of your addiction. Preventing this addiction will also need your concentration. You should concentrate about your goal. You should stop yourself from anything that tempts you to read those books or watch those films and shows again. Of course, just like in curing this addiction, parents should always be there for the individual and should be very supportive. Parents should say that they are proud that their child knows how to stop his or her self. The obsession teens have on these ictional vampires found in literature has a lot of different effects both to them and to the society. Even though some may benefit from this obsession, those benefits cannot be compared to the numerous negative effects it has to the individual and to his or her surroundings, especial ly to the individual’s parents, siblings and friends. It is encouraged that teenagers should start dealing with their obsession as it may lead to a condition which is much more worse than what they have now. People who are surrounding the individual should know how to give their support and encouragement, especially parents. References Avitzur, O. (n. d. ). 10 troubling teen trends. Retrieved August 12, 2011 from http://www. consumerreports. org/health/healthy-living/health-safety/10-troublesome-trends-to-talk-to-your-teen-about/overview/index. htm Betonio, D. (2011). 20 spectacular must read vampire books. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. tripwiremagazine. com/2011/07/vampire-books. html Godfrey, W. (n. d. ). A christian response to vampire obsession. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. cbn. com/entertainment/screen/goodwyn-vampires-twilight-obsession. aspx Goodwyn, H. (n. d. ). A christian response to vampire obsession. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. cbn. com/entertainment/screen/goodwyn-vampires-twilight-obsession. spx Holy Bible, New International Version. (1983). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House. Jimenez, A. E. (2008). Kinds of vampires. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. empressofdrac. com/2008/09/29/kinds-of-vampires/ Laming, S. (n. d. ). A brief history of vampires in literature. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. abebooks. com/books/dracula-twilight-sookie-stackhouse/history-vampires-literature. shtml Patrick. (n. d. ). Learn more about reading addiction. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from http://www. readingaddiction. com/20/beating-addiction/learn-more-about-reading-addiction McCarthy, C. (2009). Obsession and risk talking: What new moon How to cite Teens Go Gaga over Vampires, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Process Control and Data Acquisition in Pharmaceuticals Plant
Question: Discuss about theProcess Control and Data Acquisition in Pharmaceuticals Plant. Answer: Introduction Pharmaceutical industries are among the largest and fastest growing sectors in the world today. Some of the clear characters of this area are competition, strict regulation due to critical products they produce as well as low durability of their products. Some of the key factors given keen attention here include quality, safety, flexibility and efficiency. Use of process control systems such as ControlNet and Safety NET p networks can help achieve this. ControlNet It supports controller to controller interlocking and real-time control of I/O, devices, and valves as well as control networking for process applications. ControlNet offered by some companies such as Allen-Bradley have built-in control interface or have the ability to connect through optimal communication interface module which improves real-time and throughput application support (ODVA, 2016). When designing network ControlNet media and connection devices offer flexibility. ControlNet coax cable, a low-loss is an RG-6 quad shield that immunity to electromagnetic interference to allow installations in hazardous locations. Allen-Bradley provides a variety of network media such as taps, connectors, terminators, repeaters and coax tools as well as fiber systems. The types of the network media chosen will depend on the process application type and the environment(Ba?ak, 2015). Operation Control NET is an example token passing control designed to offer reliable, high-speed transport monitoring and input, output (I/O) data. It also provides non-time critical messaging data. I/O data is assigned the highest priority such that other data such as parameter upload and downloads do not interfere with the control and I/O data transport. ControlNet is classified as a deterministic network since it uses token rotation time to characterize maximum waiting time needed to send a message frame. The token bus networks nodes are logically arranged to form a ring such that each node knows its previous and next node. This way it is possible to offer liner, multi-drop, tree-shaped or segmented topology (Lian, 2011). The network node in possession of the token is allowed to transmit data frames till its allocated token time expires, or it runs of data packets. Then the token regenerated and sent to the next logical node in the network (ring). If the node that receives the token has nothing to send then it just passes the token to the next neighbor in the logical ring. Data frames do not collide since its only one node that is allowed to transmit data frames. This node is the one that is in possession of the token, others nodes need to wait for the token. Token ring protocol offers assurances of maximum time between node network access and protocol with the capacity to regenerate the token if the node in possession of the token stops transmitting the data frames and does not release the token to the next neighbor in the ring. Nodes are added dynamically to the ring and can also be removed from the ring on request. Advantages of Using ControlNet As we have discussed above that token bus protocol is deterministic that guarantee throughput and high efficiency when there are high network loads. Nodes can be added dynamically during network operation and also remove the nodes that have failed in the ring or those which are no longer needed. Removing failed nodes is a major score over token ring protocols where nodes are statically added or removed (Healy, 2015). Control net uses the implicit token passing mechanism which allocates mac id to every node in the ring to prevent data frames collision. Only the nodes with the token are allowed to send data frames. Every node sets the implicit token register to mac id +1. When the mac id of the node is equal to the implicit token register, it now transmits the frames. To prevent collisions, all nodes have similar value in implicit token registers. ControlNet support time critical through the provision of scheduled segments as well as and non-time critical messages through unscheduled segments in every NUT (Network update time) cycle. The NUT is divided into scheduled, unscheduled and guard band sections. Scheduled section of NUT allows scheduled data transmission while un-scheduled section allows each node to transmit noon time critical data using round robin protocol. During guard band time all nodes stop transmission thus allowing the moderator node (node with lowest mac id) to transmit maintenance message. This message synchronizes timers and publishes critical link parameters like node time, S, U, NUT and many more others. Disadvantages of Using ControlNet Token bus protocol is only efficient at high network loads but at low channels traffics its performance is poor compared to contention protocols. Token bus protocol uses a huge percentage of network time to pass the token between the nodes when the data traffic is light since there are many nodes in a single local ring (Zhang, 2012). Safety NET p According to IEC series standards, safety NET p is defined as Type 22 and CP 18. It is a standard for Ethernet-based field bus communication in automated technology. Operation Safety NET p communication model describes communication system, application layer, and transport layer. Application layer represents the communication systems interface. The functions of the device safety NET p are accessed through the interface; thus it is the interaction medium between the user and the system. It uses two transport mechanism namely: RTFL and RTFN. It automates data and safety-related data simultaneous transmission with vertical and horizontal integration. To design a network topology, safety NET p offers a range of infrastructure components such as switches, cables, and connectors. Safety NET p implements the network infrastructure. Network topologies such as star and tree which adapt to pharmaceutical plant support which can significantly increase performance. To do these switches such as PSS net can be used to adjust the topology flexibility to pharmaceutical plant layout. It can support star, tree and ring topologies. PSS net switch has fiber optics media which allow expansion of the network without limitations. Other installation media used include safety p connectors and cables for fast and straightforward installation. These materials are available at some companies such as Safety Network International (Sankaran, 2016). Advantages of using Safety NET p Networks Safety NET p offer effective detection and management of the network structure which supports the connection of service devices whenever required as well as mobile apps support. Its communication structure uses a distributed PLC which facilitates peer to peer data transmission that results in distributed data-processing. Pharmaceutical plants have a flexible and modular structure that describe their dimensions, plan, and commissioning. Safety NET p has proxies that offer communication platform for existing field bus installation to communicate with other plant sections. It also can access data from various field buses thus optimizing the plant protection (, 2016). Safety NET p has a real-time capability to support safety functions as well as real-time functions that enable flexible and cheap procedure by use of generic Ethernet interface or RTFL and protocol chip of safety NET p. These support a real time scan of about 62.5 seconds. Standard Ethernet, on which safety NET p network depends on, has been tried and tested for several years in office communication. On top of that is meets the stringent specifications of the pharmaceutical application as it can support the transfer of data from conventional control process, transfer of safety-related data and offer real-time communication in a high dynamic form as well as synchronized applications thus allowing one network connection for all control data and machinery (, 2016). Safety NET p also can offer new horizons for pharmaceutical plant control technology. It maintains an interior view to monitor intelligence while at the same time providing decentralized control information to field level. The plant is logically divided into functional machine modules. To fast sensor actuator loops it is important to connect manufacturing cells in the motion control areas. When safety NET p is used, it offers an extremely high real-time capability. The safety signals encountered in the factory automation are transmitted using the same medium. The cells are interconnected through RTFN (Efficient Real-Time Industrial Ethernet Links, 2016). Conclusions It is true that open, safe and deterministic real-time Ethernet that meets all user requirements. The real-time performance is approximately 20 times faster (scan times 62.5 s) than most of the industrial networks. Safety NET p is excellent for transport medium when the when secure communication is integrated from the start. Any Ethernet traffic such as data traffic from other industrial Ethernet versions, laptop or video is supported. Its flexibility allows the plant to have a linear, tree and star structure. It also has unrivaled capacity to charge structures and subscribers during operation Control net is a state of the art Network which is a high-speed deterministic network suitable for time-critical application data. Most of the pharmaceutical plant have time critical data as they deal with products that are very critical and perishable. Data transmission here is paramount for healthy products manufacturing. It also offers real-time control and messaging services to p2p communication network while providing a combination of controller and I/O device capabilities using its high-speed link. Control net offers deterministic real-time interlocking, peer to peer programming and messaging as well I/O bandwidth within the same link. Control net is a state of the art Network which is a high-speed deterministic network suitable for time-critical application data. Most of the pharmaceutical plant have time critical data as they deal with products that are very critical and perishable. Data transmission here is paramount for healthy products manufacturing. It also offers real-time control and messaging services to p2p communication network while providing a combination of controller and I/O device capabilities using its high-speed link. Control net offers deterministic real-time interlocking, peer to peer programming and messaging as well I/O bandwidth within the same link. References Anon, (2016).ControlNet Control System Network Design and Optimization. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Oct. 2016]. Ba?ak, ., 2015. Petri net based decision system modeling in real-time scheduling and control of flexible automotive manufacturing systems. Computers Industrial Engineering, Volume 86, pp. 116-126. Efficient Real-Time Industrial Ethernet Links. (2016).IJSR, 5(3), pp.1106-1109. (2016).Ether CAT Technology Group | Safety. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Oct. 2016]. Healy, J., 2015. What Role do Safety Net Wage Adjustments Play in Alleviating Household Need?. Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(2), pp. 169-192. Lian, F.-L., 2011. 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AMR, Volume 586.
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